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This is especially for those who own a business
but was written for my friends at InfoBases.

"This is a Bit Unusual"

C.J. Ingerson

Verse 1

However if rain in Georgia
and snow in Salt Lake City
think they can correspond
then certainly we can too.

Verse 2

It is my wish to you and yours
that this is a happy day for you
I know must all you do is have
complaints and moans and groans.

Verse 3

Yet you are always nice to me
so this poem is for all at InfoBase
to share a love of Gospel truths
on a day set aside to honor love.

Verse 4

What better way than to say
thank you for what you do
it is with your programs I help
others all around the world.

Verse 5

I still have little idea of what
all it can do; but I know it now
and when it says closing now
I just reload with the patience of Job.

Verse 6

So to all of you who take care of me
this is the Old Rusty Knight saying
I wish you a Happy Valentine's Day
remembering a love of whose work you do.

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