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Warning!!!!!!!!!!!! Warning!!!!!!!!!!!! Warning!!!!!!!!!!!!

These pages are best viewed in 1024 by 768 screen size/resolution,
with audio capabilities, and Internet Explorer browser.
It just seems that Navigator has a fit viewing these pages.

These pages may* contain material unsuited for children.
Adult Supervision/ Adult Discretion is highly advised!

*I say may because some Adults see Roleplaying as an Adult Thing, even though I highly dissagree, believing that RPG's (Role-Playing Games) can be for everyone.
Hey what was 'playing house' or 'cops and robbers'?
Thank You.

Many of the themes and content within are not for the eyes or mind of any who are immature, or might be biased to roleplaying games.

Also know that unless otherwised specified, these pages are 'in character' on the terms that you have Found and set a meeting with the main Character, Seben.

Other wise all information, stories, and opinions are Out Of Character.

Be advised that all contents within are the property of these pages' creator or the author/artists who so kindly allowed me to use their work.

If anyone has any problems with such a page please contacted me here, and tell me.

My E-mail is for those who can't send mail from their current location.

Again, Thank you.

Many of the images are from Lady Mox's WoD Page

Lady Mox's WoD Graphics Page

Other Images are collected from the White Wolf Home Page

Or from those who have been so kind as to make them for me or allow me to use them.

For those worried about frames, yes these pages do contain frames, but I also added the noframes tag in all my frames pages. So all should be able to view my Den properly.

If there are any problems please contact me, so that I might fix the problem.



Follow the Glyph "All our pain, is never for naught: And that which we survive does indeed
make us stronger." Seben C.S. Enter The Den.

Scout Approved! Vote for me when I return to the Brawls!!
© White Wolf Publishing Inc. All Rights Reserved.

H Bryant, Salem NJ

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All Layout and Designs created by © 1998Seben

All Graphics not made by Seb are the © 1999 original author/artist's property

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This page newly added. . . January 1999