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The Ultimate Joke Archive

Since I first signed up for hotmail, I have gotten over 1000k worth of jokes via e-mail. Lucky for you, I am in the process of weeding out the "falling down in the aisles" jokes from the "checks watch to see when they can go home" jokes, and I think you can probably guess which ones made it onto this page. Keep in mind that this "weeding" of the good from the bad thing takes time, so although this isn't much of an archive now, it will grow, I assure you!

Joe One of the best jokes I've heard in a while . . . deffinately worth a look!

On the Differences between Women and Men Here's a blerb by Matt Groening (creator of the Simpsons) titled "Women Speak in Estrogen, Men Listen in Testosterone." It's amazing the things he hits on the head. . . .

Antigravity and Butterology We have all heard those laws about how a cat will always land on its feet and a buttered piece of bread will always land butter-side down. Well, what happens if you tie a piece of bread butter-side up onto a cats back? Read this one to find out...

Deep Thoughts Have you ever known someone who was constantly making really profound/obvious statements, or who's logic was just a bit twisted? Or maybe you are that person. Well, either way, here is a page of those random thoughts to which the only logical response is, "huh?!"

On College College is a great medium for humor. I've gotten so pretty good stuff... and let me just tell you that I have personally encorporated nearly all of the college paper one into my paper writing technique :)

Religious Jokes No, don't worry, these shouldn't be offensive to anyone, I was very careful about which ones I chose. Give these ones a try, I think you will probabaly like them! ; )

Random Funnies These are a bunch of tastefull jokes that I just couldn't find a category for. Just because they don't have a category doesn't mean that they aren't good, though, so drop in and grab a laugh!

On Males Here is a selection from my sexist jokes archive. They aren't all bad, in fact the first is pretty funny and not too offensive, so give 'em a try!

Lawyer Jokes Hey, some of my best friends are lawyers, but these guys are pretty funny, so I had to put them on here somewhere!

Pillow Tag Revolution I recently came across a very worthy cause, and have devoted an entire section of my page to FREE THE PILLOW TAGS! Please support me in my effort to bring this horrifying reality to end.

Steak and Cheese!! This guy is hysterical--both his personal ravings and the pictures/sounds/etc. Enjoy this one, and return often!

Visit TheWax.com Here is a great site for humor. Be sure to check out the Stress Relief section! Yes, thats right, it's the home of the infamous fish in a tank. Boil him, freeze him, whatever your sado-masochistic little heart desires.

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