Here you will see all my latest updates and photo albums!


Here I am enjoying a little quality "turtle time" :-)

MAJOR UPDATES coming to the project! Yes...... after several years, some much-needed updates are on the way! Some links may not work temporarily, but this will be fixed, as I work busily here in the background to majorly improve the entire project! (Jan. 2014) :-)

Feel free to join me on Facebook! If you already have an account, sign-in first, then return here and click on the link, and you should see my profile! Even though I no longer accept "friends" there, you are invited to subscribe to my page instead, and you'll be the first to see the pictures and things I post, even before they make it HERE! Facebook is a great way to keep in touch and to see immediate updates, and can almost be seen as an "extension" of this Web project! I try to update Facebook daily.

Timeline Treasures!

Since Facebook has switched to the new Timeline, here's a nice collection of Cover Photos for your page! The "Cover Photo" is the large picture at the top of the Timeline page that kinda gives it a special atmosphere of its very own - and these photos are already edited for Timeline, so please feel free to look them over, and download whatever you need for your Timeline! Just click on the beautiful St. Augustine Lighthouse for a collection of cool stuff to select from!

Come check out the FROGS!!

Fabulous Froggage!

This is a must-see page, and sure to be a big hit! It is Dial-up friendly, and also contains much larger images for high-speed users to check out, and will show wild frogs just doing their thing..... with the watchful eye of my camera checking out their every move!

What's happening.....

Important Updates!

This fiscal year will bring some big exciting changes to the project! First will be a lot more pictures!! When this humble venture began about a dozen pictures were added with each update, and that grew to over twenty for certain months, and this time around the numbers may be even greater, and April 2014 for example will contain 36! Also I am stamping a very tiny "" on each photo, so others who use these for backgrounds for songs, etc, can be directed back to this site. Some folks slap huge, obnoxious texts across their pictures, thus practically ruining them, and I promise I will never do that. Also of great importance the photo galleries will be shown as separate links, since a huge page of pictures can be tortuous for WebTV and Dial-Up users!

Also all "new news" will be at the TOP of the updates instead of being at the bottom! Up til now it started with April for example, then May, June, and so on..... and to see the new updates you had to scroll to the bottom of the page, which was tough for Dial-Up users - but starting now the newest updates will always be at the TOP! I also do this because things change........ and some "bad" situations become very good ones..... and sadly vice-versa, so the monthly updates will be such that the new updates will always be the first updates you'll see on this page.

In the near future there will be a page dedicated to STORMS and SUNSETS as well as other weather phenomena, all in time-lapse form. Rather than use my cramped bandwidth here at Angelfire I'll upload the "big stuff" to YouTube, with a handy-dandy little "thumbnail" you can click on, which will open the YouTube page for each.

If you're looking for the 2013/14 updates, have no fears since everything's all present and accounted for (including the pictures!), and they have been archived to make more room on this page! Look for them under the "Archives" link which is further down this page, immediately following the monthly updates.

(February 2015)

A "One-Day Winter", and a dead camera.

Winter here lasted one whole day, and the icicles formed, the small puddles froze over, the Cuban Treefrogs dropped to the ground dead, and we lost our butterflies and all herbaceous plants..... and then a day later it was back to the warm weather! Up until this one event the temps were quite warm and the tourists were loving it....... and after things melted the tourists were loving it again - as they stood in the l-o-n-g lines at Disney and went to the beach, thinking this is all Florida has to offer...... but checking out the goodies here in my photo galleries you'll see there's a lot more to the story! After the passing of the new camera I went back to using the old camera which still takes excellent pictures, and I heard tell there's a new one waiting for me from a dear friend in the deep North woods!

On a work-note - I'm a bit behind on updating my Website here and have instead been working eagerly to get the "Forgotten Favorites" music program completed and ready, so it will be ready in time for me to go to camp. The time-consuming part of the project is editing the volume of each song so the volume of all will be the same, just like listening to a really good radio station, and there are over 6000 songs in all. I have been able to post on Facebook almost daily though, with instant updates and photos, and sort of think of it as an "extension" of what you see here, and if you haven't done so, please feel free to follow me there at Also incredible time-lapse videos of weather events are posted there as well in the "Videos" section........ and speaking of pictures, here's the gallery for February!

(January 2015)

A great start for the new year!

This month started off rather warm and "froggy", and made for some great pictures. Also some nice sunsets and cloudscapes, as well as other little goodies that can be seen in the photo gallery :-)

Things are going amazingly-well at Arby's, despite being denied a raise for the second year now, and have been making minimum wage now since around 2009, with no real hope of anything more. Thankfully the $$$'s generated from writing for Reptiles magazine/website has helped me a good bit, and has pretty much helped me save for my soon-coming trip in late-May, which I always look forward to when I go to Quebec, then spend the summer at camp! This is the time of year I begin to pray that God will assemble a staff of people that will fit and flow together to do His mighty will in and through the lives of many...... and I realized long ago there are never two years there alike, as each has its own unique set of people and circumstances, and each year brings forth really a whole new adventure! :-)

(December 2014)

December..... and the year in review.

2014 was a VERY good year! Despite the poverty-like conditions and the soaring prices, God's goodness has got me thru another year. So much warmth and affection this year, and warmth and affection are two things that money can't buy! :-)

This was the best year ever at camp, and the love of many was the greatest blessing, especially the Vincent family, and they were there for me in many situations..... and I'd often go over there to visit them "just because"! I always feel so loved and welcomed there, and I'll be so happy to see them again, and speaking of camp, the "celebrities" from FrogTV were there and put on a good show for the campers as well, long before the camera was turned in their direction! Also it was the best-EVER time in Quebec, and leaving my truck in the U.S and letting the Metro do all the driving! Also many people will go from cradle to grave without ever experiencing the warmth and affection I felt there this year (and every year!), and I eagerly long to go there in the springtime! A warm and special "Thank You" to François, France, Eva, and especially Georges, and I also know in due time I will see Sylvain again!

My Florida vacation was the very best-ever as well, with Georges coming down in September this year, and the timing was perfect since this was the first time we've been there together to see real RAIN! It was perfect the whole time, and the rains all fell in perfect time, and there was plenty of sunshine too...... and the froggage was abounding on all sides! Arby's has gone well also, and the people there have all been wonderful and add joy to my time here in Florida, and the Forgotten Favorites music program has been in place there for over a year now.

December has been a beautiful and warm month, following a chilly November and many great pictures were taken, and the top choices can be seen here, as selected from the number of Facebook "Likes" and other factors.

(November 2014)

A vibrant and colorful month!

Wow...... so many pictures were taken in November it hard to choose which ones to use! A lot of fun times were spent out walking, and because of the seemingly-endless clear days and nights sunsets were scarce and therefore only a few were seen, but a lot of rain fell also, and because of this a bit more froggage than usual happened to wander their way into the photo gallery for the month.

On a very strange note concerning Facebook, since FrogTV I have been losing many "followers" and as well as real friend on there. I lost over a hundred followers (This may be normal, but my promise for my Facebook audience is the style of my page will never change! It will remain as it has always been), and on a friend-note, without a single word of warning my friend and fellow nature photographer Carol Snow Milne disappeared without a trace, and from Google also on the very next day! My last contact with her was when I mentioned the movie "Chronicles Of Narnia"...... and only moments later she totally disappeared! It's almost like what happened in the movie - as if she walked thru the wardrobe and never returned! Anyway the good side of this is the increased warmth and excitement for Montreal, including the constant reminders in my workplace (Arby's) concerning this wonderful happy city, and I can devote almost unlimited time here keeping in touch with the beautiful people in Quebec! My closest friends and adopted family are "North of the Border", and there's always an eager excitement to get back up there again! Also many of my evenings have been spent preparing an amazing selection of Christmas Classics for Arby's, which will be added to the program there on the morning of the Friday after Thanksgiving.

And now......... it's time for the November Photo Gallery! Lots of cool goodies here :-)

(October 2014)

A tranquil month.

October was one of those smooth and tranquil months........ one where bad times were few, and work was great, and the scenery was great as well! Things are going well for the people and things I know up North also, and all is as it should be :-)

Weatherwise it has been very dry for most part - with the exception of the outbreak of big storms around mid-month. These filled the swamps and ditches and brought forth the froggage, and some cooler weather came in to end the month. Strangely the frogs were silent this month, despite the mid-month storms and high water.

There were some cool pictures taken in October, and here's the gallery! Enjoy :-)

(September 2014)

FrogTV goes VIRAL......... and an incredible month!

Wow September....... One of the best months of my life! The only setback was a week-long illness which caused a few work woes, but besides this it was a great month! Weatherwise after a fairly comfortable August (for Florida), the heat and dry returned! Because of the heat many things went into hiding for awhile, but just after mid-month came my vacation! This was a wonderful time as the rains returned just in time, and the frogging was amazing, and the time spent with Georges was unlike any other, since the days were cloudy and comfortable and the nights were warm, wet and "froggy"! We did a lot of exploring, and even a bit of storm chasing, and happily took two "direct hits" from a couple of nice storms which sent us running at the last second as sheets of rain raced in!

On a "froggy" note, one day I decided to drop a few worms on the ground and video them using my iPhone and bring the video into the large walk-in "Froggatorium" to see what would happen! I propped the phone up, and at first there wasn't much of a response, but a few moments later things got really froggy in there! They gathered around my iPhone a few at a time until quite a crowd had gathered, and there I was with my camera catching every move. and the results were quite interesting, and there were enough frogs gathering around the iPhone to make this thing go viral! As the month came to a close there were over a million on YouTube, and several million hits on Facebook! My prayer is this will help me afford a new truck! I haven't seen a penny yet..... but supposedly this will pay something....... sometime! :-)

Now for the pictures! Please check out the September Photos. There's some cool stuff gathered here because September was a very "photogenic" month. Enjoy! :-)

(August 2014)

A nice cool beginning........ then up goes the heat!

August had the most beautiful beginning in the world, with my beloved group Church of the Saviour there as the month began....... and that's also the fastest week of the entire year for me! I enjoy every minute with them, and it's always sad when it comes time for them to leave....... but this year was a lot better in August at camp the whole time through. Namely there were no water issues, and I got to be there for a hurting friend. Randy Vincent was going thru a tough time for a little while, and God "bonded" me more closely with the Vincent family...... and what a wonderful bunch of people! :-) I never want that warmth and closeness to fade, not at any cost. Later in the month a new group came to camp - the Girl Scouts. Such a wonderful group of sweet people...... and this has me even considering Scouting a bit! I do trust they'll be back......... so my final days at camp this year were warm and wonderful, despite the pleasant chill in the air.

Almost instantly I was back in Florida...... and the beautiful dream-land of camp was just a beautiful memory. The trip this year was long and hot, and I even left camp a day early to "beat the heat", and still got stuck in major total-standstill traffic jams in northern Virginia...... so I headed West and took a 125-mile detour to keep the critters cool, and after a stay near Rocky Mount, North Carolina it was a great trip rest of the way, and hit the hot air at the South Carolina line....... and it's been hot since! Despite the heat this has been the best return to Florida, and Arby's waited eagerly for my return, and once again the Forgotten Favorites play, and things are back to normal there :-)

August was a great month for pictures and skyscapes at both places, and the photo gallery is now ready. Also I'm making my galleries a bit more mobile-friendly by making bigger "thumbnail" pictures for easier viewing on your phone, without having to click on each one. Enjoy :-)

(July 2014)

The best year of camp yet........ and so much more!

July has been a very exciting month, and a cool and stormy one as well! The cool weather is indeed a real delight, and after several years I's so happy to return to Calvary Chapel of Stroudsburg. A GREAT little place...... and so many new faces there now!

Otherwise on a people-note, it was nice to see the Wabsts again, and to borrow a really big Snapping turtle from their pond for the nature program this year, and it's truly been a great "WOW!" factor! Also it's been a great month for storms and cool skyscapes, and meeting cool people there who stop to share the view! Also a new friend Carol came along and has added to the joy, and knowing her has made me much more aware of Lyme disease, which is so common in the region....... and speaking of Joy, Georges got his ticket for Florida, and I'm already very excited to see him there! He'll be there in September this year, amid the froggage and the peak of all the butterflies..... and as the month draws to a close, I'm with my beloved group Church of the Saviour for Adventure Camp, and I cling to the days dearly as August fast-approaches......

....... and July was a great month for pictures as well, and here's the July Gallery!

(June 2014)

A much-anticipated month..... Quebec..... and CAMP!

Finally June arrives, and my escape from the heat and humidity....... and heading off into a delightfully cool and rainy summer - right from the very beginning! I encountered the cold front at Savannah, Georgia, and was anticipating a round of frogging near Rocky Mount, North Carolina. Normally in June it's warm and muggy there, but upon arrival I actually needed a jacket, and I think all the frogs were bundled in their parkas! :-)

The very next day I arrived at camp! In the past I stayed several days at D.G. Farm, as well as Cabrera Farm in the Carolinas, but due to them moving, and other big changes there, I went onto camp, and after dropping things off there I was off to beautiful Quebec for a wonderful ten days! This was my best visit EVER there, and the warmth and affection there always amazes me!! It's always hard to go back to the States after such a time...... but this better prepares me for camp, and I also get to do some mountain climbing there to prepare me for Big Pocono! Upon leaving Quebec I stopped near Chazy, New York to spice up the Froggatorium a bit, and this has been a hit with all who visit the nature center! Also the cool June weather has been a delight for the animals, since they thrive better in the cooler weather. Also the storms have been a delight, and have been as big as some of the ones I saw in Florida back in April!

As June comes to a close...... July looks very promising, since we have a really great Summer Staff this year, and also many great pictures were taken, and in the near future there'll be two new pages added - one featuring time-lapse videos of storms, and another featuring some cool cloudscapes and sunsets!

....... and now - the June Photo Gallery!

(May 2014)

Daydreaming of camp..... and the "McMystery" solved!

First off the "McMystery" can finally be put to rest! Since 2010 I have been wondering just what happened to cause me to lose a dollar-and-a-half on the hour there - being cut from 9.50 per hour back to 8.00 - after being there for over 20 years to get to where I was after eager, faithful dedication and diligent work....... just to lose it all! Well, an "informed source" (who I promised to protect) shared the gory detail! It was said "Look at him! He's merely a grill cook and he's making more money than our managers are making", which set the VZ mgt team (I don't feel right using the real name here, to protect them as well) to seek a way to dispose of me and make it look like either an accident or "something routine", and here's what happened! I was found guilty of sharing the Gospel by sharing with a co-worker it wasn't nice to swear in the workplace, and that's all it took for the VZ authorities to set up (while I was at camp) a transfer for me to a franchise they knew would pay near-minimum wage as "just punishment" for sharing this with another employee. This whole thing went down while I was at camp in 2010 and never got the entire story until now, and at the time I was told very little, and the reason I never got a raise was because I was told I was over-paid for too many years..... and it would take a "lifetime to pay it all back"..... and to this day I'm still at minimum wage - but moved willingly to Arby's, and here the people are kind and caring, a friendly workplace, and besides the pleasant atmosphere I am pretty much STUCK at minimum wage - with no hope of ever rising above it........ unless I leave the lifestyle of camping, and work as a mandatory swing-manager for a mere dime on the hour........ so I hover barely above poverty!

Besides the locked pay-rate, and watching of absolutely everything's price rise around me on all sides, I have my strength and my joy in Him who gives all things. I may not be rich but I'm very happy, and have love and riches that are far above and beyond anything in this world...... and feel very blessed knowing I've been blessed with so MUCH......... all the while knowing there are many who are rich in cash...... but are starving for the beauty I have been blessed with! As May draws to a close I'm preparing for a long and uncertain journey...... but the end result is the pure warmth, affection, and beauty of Quebec, then off to camp, where it's much easier to see the hand of God at work, and to seek His face...... and to see Him working in every little detail! Once I see Mt-Royal and Camelback again....... I will know the peace and indescribable love the world starves after........ and cannot be "earned" or bought with any price, and far exceeds any and all monetary value.

And now.......... the Photo Gallery! May had much to offer, and click below to go there :-)

(The above image is available without text by clicking HERE)

(April 2014)

Finally Springtime....... and work jitters!

After a l-o-n-g Winter that had many people dreaming of groundhog stew, April was quite the perfect month! Eagerness to go North is always overwhelming this time of year, and storm chasing was great this month, taking some direct hits, with time-lapse video going! Also lots of nice skyscapes this month, and since that one-and-only January hard freeze, it has remained above freezing before and after that, plus the frequent rains have made for a beautiful lush green Springtime!

On a work-note, the anxiety of the end-of-April meeting kinda had me on edge - knowing the Forgotten Favorites program could have easily been shot down in flames...... but thankfully the great tunes still play..... and we still have our jobs! Anyway the meeting was really great, and now another meeting happens in early-May...... and we wait and wonder......

Hopefully this one will go well as well! :-)

Now for the Photo Gallery! Click on the happy little sunset below, and it will take you to a beautiful collection of April favorites! Doing it THIS way will keep this page (Current Events) from being overcrowded in several months from now when all the pictures pile up!

(The above image is available without text, in the gallery)

(After several Emails, I'm taking the suggestions and making the text a little larger for the updates, making it a little easier on the eyes :-)

April is the beginning of my "fiscal year", as it's during that time I pretty much "start all OVER", and prepare for the life-changing experience of camp, and life away from Florida...... so at the end of April all the info from the past year will go into the "Archive" section (below).

Archives. Here you'll see my updates going back to 2006!



Even though this page has been here for several years, I'm keeping it here for the cool pictures, as well as the great memories of this time!


This page is updated on a regular basis!


This takes you to my Homepage

When you go thru life....

.... don't forget to SMILE!