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These selections are food for the soul. Enjoy a little humor spiced up with a whole lot of truth. They are guaranteed to put a smile on your face and a song in your heart.

Warm all the kitchen with thy love
and light it with thy peace.
Forgive me all my worry,
and make my grumbling cease.
Thou who didst love to give men food,
in room or by the sea,
accept this service that I do,
I do it unto Thee.


Preserving A Husband

Be careful of your selection. Do not choose too young. When once selected, give your entire thought to preparation for domestic use. Some insist on keeping them in a pickle, others are constantly putting them into hot water. This makes them sour, hard and sometimes bitter. Even poor varieties may be made sweet, tender and good by garnishing them with patience, sweetening well with love and seasoning with kisses. Wrap them in a mantle of charity. Keep warm with a steady fire of domestic devotion and serve with peaches and cream. Thus prepared, they will keep for years!


Recipe for a Happy Home

4 cups love
2 cups loyalty
3 cups forgiveness
1 cup friendship
1 large bunch of smiles
5 spoons hope
2 spoons tenderness
2 spoons kindness
2 spoons understanding
4 quarts faith
1 barrel laughter
3 pints of consideration for others

Take love and loyalty, mix thoroughly with faith. Blend with tenderness, kindness and understanding. Add hope friendship and abundant laughter. Top freely with smiles and consideration for others. Bake with bright sunshine. Serve daily in generous helpings.


Preserving Children 

1 large grassy field
1/2 dozen children
2 or 3 small dogs
Pinch of brook with small pebbles

Mix the children and dogs well and put them in the field, stirring constantly. Pour the brook over the pebbles, sprinkle the field with flowers, and spread a deep blue sky over all. Bake in the hot sun. When thoroughly browned, remove the children and set to cool in a bath tub.


Elephant Stew

(This recipe is considered a southern delicacy due to the rarity of elephants in southern swamps. According the the redneck hunter's creed, if it moves, shoot and eat it.)

1 large elephant
Brown gravy mix
Salt and pepper to taste
Large pot
2 rabbits (optional)

Cut the elephant into bite-sized pieces. This should take about 2 months. Put in large pot, cover with brown gravy and cook over kerosene fire for about 4 weeks at 465 degrees. Salt and pepper to taste. This will serve approximately 3,800 people. If more are expected, 2 rabbits may be added but only if necessary as most people don't like to find hare in their stew.


Christmas Recipe

A cup full of blessings,
Of cheer a full measure
A small pinch of care
Add 6 ounces of pleasure.
A handful of gladness,
Plus 2 of delight
Stir in some true rapture
And warm 'til just right.
Now take from the oven
Top it thickly and well
With an icing of friendship
To serve this Noel!


The best part about this recipe is that it lasts all year. Once you taste the finished product, you want it every day. If you will do something for others at Christmas time, you will find what real joy is made of. Give the message of Christ on Christ's birthday - CHRISTMAS.

What's the real difference between a Yankee Zoo and a Southern Zoo?
On the cage, a Yankee Zoo will have the name of the animal and then the scientific name in Latin, whereas a Southern Zoo will have the name of the animal and the recipe ...!

The Death and Resurrection of Christ

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