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First of all, My name is Tinna [hence the name of my web site]. I was born in Thailand and raised in the United States. My mother is Thai and my father is of Irish descent. I speak very little Thai [
puht nitnoi]. My mom tried to teach my sister and I to speak Thai, but we were too stubborn to learn. Besides, I was "daddy's little girl" and spent most of my time with my English speaking father.
Currently, I have Stage IV Cervical CA. I have been undergoing chemotherapy treatments for several months now.
I shaved my head before my hair fell out, so I wouldn't go through the emotional trauma.
It worked!
My mom says I look like a Thai nun~ especially when I wear white. She thinks I'm adorable this way, and I appreciate her sentiments. She's right. I am cute. With or without hair.
I do believe without a doubt that I will beat this. There's too many things in life that I have yet to experience. [
Here's a short list of my likes & dislikes. Perhaps we'll have a few things in common.
If not, who cares, right?

Cobalt blue [the color], Gizmo & Poki [my "kids'], browsing, Thai food, Faith No More [an American rock band who are now disbanded],  hanging with my husband, traveling, roller blading, meditation, sushi, watching the "Golden Girls", EPCOT, Hawaiiana, swimming, Autumn, Halloween, crude jokes, the new Honda CRV, roller coasters, dancing, "Angels" perfume, well behaved children, gardenias, stargazer lilies, small get-togethers, karaoke and white sandy beaches.

Volkswagen beetle, rude people, lime green [the color], remaining stagnant, 90's grunge [music], football, basketball, "In memory of 3" stickers, Tommy Hilfiger, anything associated with being a redneck, talk radio, large crowds, disrespectful children, bad relationship dwellers, "bible beaters" and those trying to convert me to Christianity.

Perhaps we'll have a few things in common.
If not, who cares...

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