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Join in the struggle to rid the Internet of Elf rape!

Yea. That's right.

Listed at Eldarin - A Quenya and Sindarin Fanlisting

Listed at Lembas Lovers - A clique for fans of that yummy Elvish wheybread!

Precious Ears - gotta love 'em!

In loving memory of Haldir... *sniff*

Listed at Elf-Obsessed - A Clique for those Infatuated with Elves

Listed at Gwemegil - The Clique for Female LOTR Webmasters

   Mark your diaries!
   Support The Orlando Bloom Birthday Project
days till ROTK


______what do you wanna know?

*giggles* I've got quite a collection of quiz results here...Um, am I supposed to write about me here? Alright then... well I'll give you some useless facts about me, but I won't tell you everything. I keep the naughty bits to myself. I guess if you clicked on the link to this page, you are either very bored or really interested. In the first case, I don't mind, in the second, well, thank you!

Born in the early hours of July 4th, it just so happened that halfway across the world, the whole of America was celebrating Independence Day. (Yes that would explain my pyromania and love of fireworks.) A true Cancerian, I guess that there was no mistake about my birthdate - the moon has almost become my second sign. Heh in other words I thrive in the hours past midnight. I am, in fact, a certified psycho, suffering from occasional boosts of creativity and perversity, intercoursed with periods of numbness.

Most of the time, I spend inside my head, thinking about new layouts for my sites or for friends. When I go out, I prefer calm and dark places. I am addicted to Oreos and the internet. I do not smoke (hey, I may be Cancer, but hell I don't wanna have cancer). I have a lil sis, a chibi tyrant with a viscious personality, who lives to cause me pain (or anyone unfortunate within clutching distance for that matter), then of course, brawl and point the finger back at me. *narrows eyes* one of these days...

I have black hair. I am 5'1 and my eyes are dark brown. Generally the Asian-ish looks that result from a heritage in Hong Kong. But I do not speak any of the languages that people seem to associate my birthplace with, such as Hong Kongnese or Chinese, although I do speak a bit of Cantonese. The other two I have never even heard of - although they seem to exist in some peoples' minds (Ai! poor deluded ones). Despite my roots I still consider English to be my first language - I prefer to speak it above all others. And just to make things clear: In actual fact I have not a shred of Chinese within me save for appearance. Nay, I assure you I am 100% Kiwi! I'm also a French student capable of ordering her meals in French (well sorta... I do end up with weird things on my plate).

What I love: ORLANDO, Elves and all things Elvish, family & friends, tasteful lotr fanfiction, Blue and pop music in general. I adore Tolkien, Kate Hudson is my Guru. To me Peter Jackson is wonderboy, and JK Rowling is awesome. I like drop-dead georgeous men (who doesn't?) with dark hair, soulful eyes and a well-defined chest *grins*. Animal-wise, I love dogs and wolves.

What I hate: Ignorance, all insects esp. spiders, macho men (had enough of those), racists, exams, terror & hate, and flame wars on the internet.

That's me. You asked for it. Muahaha.