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Join in the struggle to rid the Internet of Elf rape!

Yea. That's right.

Listed at Eldarin - A Quenya and Sindarin Fanlisting

Listed at Lembas Lovers - A clique for fans of that yummy Elvish wheybread!

Precious Ears - gotta love 'em!

In loving memory of Haldir... *sniff*

Listed at Elf-Obsessed - A Clique for those Infatuated with Elves

Listed at Gwemegil - The Clique for Female LOTR Webmasters

   Mark your diaries!
   Support The Orlando Bloom Birthday Project
days till ROTK


______Join the List

Declare your love for Orlando! Membership is completely free and open to everyone, just follow the guidelines below!

1. If you have a Legolas/Orli fansite and wish to have it linked from the listing, please send the code along with your submission form. Note that you are not required to have to have a website to join.
2. Please do not submit a site you know I won't approve of (e.g porn, anything illegal, etc), you can of course always ask if unsure.
3. I update as soon as I am able to, so please don't join several times just because your name is not on the list the next day.
4. Everyone needs to state their name, email and country. This is so that the fanlisting's purpose to list fans from all countries and see how widespread the fandom is can be fulfilled.
5. Keep the information you send somewhat truthful, do have a name as unoriginal as "Orlando's Girl" or "Orlando is hot" ect.

Thank you! I know these rules are tedious and, most of the time, needless but I've only set up them to make it easier for everyone :)

______Submission Form



Site URL & code (optional):


Thoughts/whatever (optional):

Only press once!

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______The List

LISTED: # | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |