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Stem Cell Research

The Vatican

1)      According to the Vatican’s site, what must be done to harvest embryonic stem cells?  Where do these stem cells come from?

2)      What are the three ethical questions about embryonic stem cell research?

3)      Summarize the reasons why the Vatican opposes embryonic stem cell research.

Stem Cell Research Foundation

1)      What are stem cells?

2)      What is the difference between adult stem cells and embryonic stem cells?  Why are embryonic stem cells more favorable to work with?

3)      What are four concerns/challenges for stem cell research?

4)      What are three disorders and diseases that may be helped by stem cell research?

Stem Cell Research News

1)      Choose three articles on this site and write ½ page summaries on each article.

2)      List 5 different countries with interests in stem cell research.


Introduction     Human Cloning     Gene Therapy/Designer Babies   Religious Perspectives     Assignments