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  Human Cloning


1)      What would be the process for human cloning?

2)      What are three possible physiological/biological problems that might be created through cloning?

3)      What are three events that have lead us to cloning animals like Dolly the sheep, and why did these events allow cloning technology to be perfected?

Association of Reproductive Health Professionals

1)      How are human cloning and stem cell research related?

2)      What are three recent news items about cloning?  What are the political, social, and scientific implications of these news items?

3)      Read “The Great Debate.”  List as many concerns either for trying to clone or for banning human cloning as you can.

4)      Concerning “The Great Debate,” what do these scientists say that we should do to resolve and answer the ethical questions surrounding human cloning.

American Catholic

1)      According to this website, is all cloning immoral?  Why or why not?

2)      What is the Vatican’s position on the news of the first human embryo clone?


Introduction     Stem Cell Research     Gene Therapy/Designer Babies  Religious Perspectives    Assignments