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Getting Started


We begin our web project by completing the planning stage. Identifying a need and theme are the important steps in the planning process. The planning stage is includes preparing the content and selecting the appropriate supporting graphics or images. Your web site should be organized so that each page is limited to 1 to 3 screens of content.  Additional content should be presented on succeeding pages with links and navigation system from one page to the next.


Step 1


Begin by opening Microsoft Word® and a new document page.


The basic page will be the default setting on a portrait layout with 1-inch margins on all sides.


Our theme, content, and storyboard will determine the number of pages required for our web site. In our example here we will have only one page. If our project requires more than one page our layout and design should be consistent from one page to the next.


Navigation controls should be added that links one page to the next so that there is never a “dead end.”  We may also include internal links to navigate from one section to another or paragraph to paragraph as necessary. Internal links only work within one page.


At this point we may want to save our page as a document file.  Use file names that are short, descriptive, and do not include any spaces in the file name. File names should be lower case only.


It is a good idea to save your work incrementally.




Next – Inserting Tables




(1) Getting Started

(2) Inserting Tables

(3) Adding a Title Graphic

(4) Inserting A Word File

(5) Inserting a Bullet Image

(6) Inserting a Background

(7) Adding Hyperlinks

(8) Save as a Document File

(9) Save as a Web Page

(10) Files and Folders

Completed Web Page