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My Biography!

   Hello and welcome to my web page. Stay as long as you like. But first a little about myself. My name is Megan Boyd and I was born in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. I love all kinds of sports and played in high school and college. My scholarship brought me as far as North Carolina were I went to school and got my Bachelor of Arts Degree in Education. Then I traveled back south to Orlando to live. I taught for two years at Ridgewood Park Elementary. This year I will be teaching at Union Park Elementary for my fifth year. I will have a 5th grade class. This will be a great experience and I can't wait to begin! I also have a wonderful family that lives down in Ft. Lauderdale and I visit them as much as I can. My husband Ryan is helping me to learn how to surf. He has also helped me with starting this web site and teaching me how to maintain it. We recently just had a little girl and here is a link to some of her adorable pictures .I also have 3 pets which include 2 dogs and 1 cat. Click here to see my babies!