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I will put ALL fanworks here...and if i get enough i will make seprate galleries but right now I have none, so all fanfics and fanarts will stay on this page.

Rules for Fanfics: Please make sure their is not BAD GRAMMER in your stories. I will excpet NC-17, yaoi, yuri, and hentai but please put a warning up for me when i post it below. Also, when you send me the story send it as an attachment to When you send the story include you pen name, the rating(G, PG, PG-13, R, NC-17), if their is any yaoi or yuri, if their is any hentai or eechi, please include the series it is, also include the stories name and any other info you wish to unclude. Thank you.

Rules for Fanart: Please no hentai for fanart! i do not mind about blood and violence just no hentai!. Some tasteful nudity is aloud but no HENTAI. ^^ Please also have some skill in drawing, no poorly drawn things...and keep it anime/final fantasy based. Include what series it is from and the name of the picture. Send it as an attachment to Thanks.