Summer 2008
Vol. 16 No. 2

I should ask that a gift to each child in the world be a sense of wonder so indestructible that it would last throughout life..." Rachel Carson

In this issue...

Reflections from the President

Legislative Victory for Land Conservation

Tree Planting Workshop

Stewardship Report

Margarete Hasserdot is the Rotary "Citizen of the Year"

Geology Rocks Unveiling

Wildlife Signs

Nature Area Update

Recent Membership Drive

New Options for Donors

Watchful Eyes

GINLC Awarded Grant

Our Wish Came True

Did You Know?

Thank you

Memorial and Honors


Upcoming Events...

Nature Area Open
Saturdays 10AM to 2PM
Thursdays 6PM to 8PM
(Weather Permitting)

Late July - September
Lotus in Bloom
(Nature Area)

November 8
Annual Meeting


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Margarete Hasserodt
Rotary "Citizen of the Year"


We are all so proud of Margarete Hasserodt for being selected as Grosse Ile's "Citizen of the Year." Among her accomplishments, Margarete has:

  • Coordinated the stewardship of the Nature Area.
  • Designed plantings for the Nature Area that include native Michigan plant materials.
  • Coordinated upkeep of these plants and trees.
  • Coordinated Scouting Projects.
  • Worked on numerous educational projects for children to appreciate and understand plants and animals.
  • Designed plantings at Centennial Farms and the Township Hall area.
  • Has been a contributing writer, and has researched articles for The Voyageur.
Hasserodt has also been active in the National Organization For Women, and has worked to curb domestic violence, providing shelters, counseling, and protection for women and children in distress.