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Boeing Employees Everett Gun Club (EGC)
Dedicated to Firearms Safety & Training

Club Info: Home  News & Events  Officers & Contact Info  Club Pamphlet  Activity Calendar  Training Info  Membership Form  Photo Album

Member Area: Classified Ads  Club Library  Stuff to Loan  Downloadable Target  Club Minutes  Constitution

Links: Link of the Month!  Sam's Gun Shop  BER&P Club  BESS Club  Useful Links

EGC Training Information

EGC sponsors classes in NRA Basic Pistol, Basic Personal Protection, and Basic Rifle. The classes are taught by NRA Certified instructors, with the assistance of trained Range Coaches. There are both classroom sessions and time on the shooting range. On the range, we strive for a 1-to-1 ration of students to Instructors/Coaches. All NRA Safety Rules are enforced.

Training FAQ

Basic Pistol Flyer

Basic Personal Protection Flyer

Basic Rifle Flyer

 EGC Webmaster - Rich Domnick