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Click on the Reaper Brand Advertisement and go to the Humor Forum!

Reaper Brand Brew is the smoothest Brew you will experience anywhere that will just plainly burn the guts right out of you.  Yep this stuff will knock your socks right off and you won't even have a chance to look back.  Some have said of this Brew, "Man that amplified the coyote syndrome by at least five hundred percent.  I woke up with a real beast."

This is the only brand we sell here.  We like for our customers to be able to feel good about themselves after getting really s$%*faced.  You see with about two Reaper Brand Brews you are at least at a BAC of 2.0.  The brewer shoots for a point on the scale per Brew.  The upside of this is that you never have to consider yourself an alki.  Remember that questionnaire at the Doc's office?  It goes like this - "do you consume 3 or more beverages at a sitting."  With reaper brand Brew you can now answer with a resounding no!


Satisfied customer number one -

"yep, after drinking that stuff I just died the next morning. "

This guy got his money's worth -

"had the Brew fa$% so bad that when I lit a cigarette in the car the next morning it blew me straight to purgatory"

Notes: Reaper brand does not exist.  Any similarity between this and a Brew marketed by anyone other than death himself is coincidental.  Lighten up already!

Worst $%^¤ ups

If you can't laugh at yourself and your friends......

Send me the best photo's you have of basic $%^¤ ups.

This discussion group and page is dedicated to stuff you know someone didn't intend to do, but did anyway.  wrecked cars (no gore or obvious serious injury depictions), fell in the sewage pond, flipped over port a john's, flipped boats....broken glass, and busted A$$.

Featured $%^¤ ups:

Toy Meets Hole

Man of Month!

 This photo was taken by a friend of mine. 


At first glance you kind of feel sorry for this ole boy, but then you say nah, and try to drop fries in his crack.  If you will look closely you may notice the outer garments are moist.  I'm sure it was raining outside or something.

Photo taken spring 2004.

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