Future Trip to Botswana: Primtive Challenge B

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Heres is some warstories from last year's GE website!!! South Africa Z 8/05/2002 - NEW At one of the sights, a MIG entered into a home (their first for the trip), the woman there could not even walk to answer the door or even hold her baby. She hadn't walked for 5 weeks. The MIG came in having prayed that morning about laying hands on people and seeing them walk. They shared the gospel with her and she believed God. After they prayed for her, she immediately rose to her feet, thanked God and grabbed her child and held it. After seeing what took place, 4 others in the house came to believe. South Afria A 7/5/2002 One MUG ministered to a witch doctor and his family in Qwa Qwa. After a long discussion, the witch doctor and his whole family committed their lives to Christ and agreed to give up their former practices. Another MIG was able to spend the afternoon with a family of believers in Qwa Qwa. They all shared their rescue stories and encouraged the family, and the family shared their rescue stories as well. The MIG read the Bible, prayed, and sang songs together with the family. It was very special to spend time with brothers and sisters in Christ on the other side of the world. The MIG had tea and sandwiches with the family, then learned Zulu dances. The afternoon reminded them of Colossians 3:16 - "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God." These were stories from z ( two weeks) and A ( month) and there also was c ( two) May God work through my team next summer!!! Update on Information: I have just applied for Botswana: Primitive Mission Challenge c with a Teen Mania Alumni Specialist. I am excited about what God is going to do there. Dates:6/11/2003 t0 8/5/2003 Pricing $3695 ( US dollars and does not include transportation from your home to the training facility.) Country: Botswana Base City: Maun Histor: Hunters, traders, and missionaries started arriving in Botswant in 1806. The industrail revolution in Europe created a need for new markets adn raw materials. This precipitated a rush for Africa from traders to seeking concessions for their governments. By 1955, British policy had begun to alter course considerably. Plans were made for indepence for the protectorate, and legislation was passed to affect this. The protectorate was granted internal self government in 1965 and the rebulic of Botswant became completely independent on September 30 1996. Food: Teams wil lbe served by private cooks who serve up American type meals. Date of birth before: You must be born before 1/1/88 in order to be eligible for this trip. Physical challenge: on a scale of 1-5 this trip rates 4 out of 5 ( 5 being the hardest). Ministry Challenge: On a scale of 1-5 this trip rates 2 out of 5 ( 5 being the hardest). Important facts: Popualtion 1,586,119 Climate and Temp: Warm winters and hot summers. Major Languages: English (official), Setswana Time Zone: 7 hours ahead of central Major Ethnic Groups: Botswana 95%, Kanaga, Basarw, and Kgalagadi 4%, White 1% Literacy: 86% Average Income per person: 3310 Average Age: 0-14 41% 15-64 54% Religion: 50% Christian, 50% indigenous belifs.

Email: worldchanger02@msn.com