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Go on missions
Juarez Mexico Y 01
California Native Y 02
Next's years trip with Teen Mania to Africa
Manaic Oath

Dear Friends: I want to thank you for your prayers and support. The trup was a spiritual and life changing for me. This year I was not apart of a drama trip but a Friendship and Everlisming trip a Teen Mania's first. We scraped,painted and cleaning work for churches on the reservations so that they can have a beautiful churches to worship God in and reach out to their commuinities. My team one day did a VBS where only two kids came but praise God they came to know Christ. Paul the GEM nominee in Native gave his only bible he had on him to one of the boys. Sunday we went to a park in Hemet California Where a lot of drug dealers and homless people hanged out. During the day in the park my MIG was about to plant seeds into two girls life,but parents call before we could lead in the prayer but told them how they can do it on their own. By the end of the trip I made a commitment to stop playing games and to totally live my life before for God. Through the contacts,leaders, and fellow teammates I have be destory for Christ and it is great! I have built a misison trip website at, which contains information about my trips to Juarez Mexico Y 01, Hemet Calfornia Native American Y and How I am planning to go to Africa for a month next summer, which I will begin funraising for shortly. Thanks it has been great working with you again to change the world. Be sure to checkout my website and please sign my guest book to let me know you been there. Sincerely, Heidi Beth Juarez Mexico Y 01 Hemet California Y 02 Summer Volunteer 02 Somewhere in Africa A or B 03 * I will be posting updates on funraising and thanks you to all you* If you have any funraising ideas email me at*
