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HYBRID SOLDIERS Extreme Paintball Team
Mission ESPN-Join The Mission, Get Paintball On TV-

Eat Well, Stay Fit, Die Anyway.

!!Mercenaries don't die, they just go to hell to regroup!!
What you can not enforce, do not command.


Veni - I came!

Vidi - I saw!

Vici - I conquered!

This web page is about our paintball team. The team came together about nine months ago. After Christmas we had our first paintball guns. It was fun,then we decide to make a team. Multiple names came up to call the team, there was Ballistic Bombers, Stupid Kids 2, Crazy Aces , and then it came into my head Killa Commandos. The name fits our team well beacause every team member likes different branches of the armed forces. We Disbanned Killa Commandos in late January. The newest effort of paintball for us is now our team HYBRID SOLDIERS

We started playing in just the woods but it became to boring. So we cleared out the woods and set up bunkers. As time progressed we started to get better, and upgraded our guns to fit our playing style. We got spyders and now most of the team is getting electronic markers. Our team constantly goes to Paintball Long Island. Our team has been training and getting ready for our second scienario game this august 11th and 12th. Were hoping that we can get more sponsers so we can do tournments. If you would like to sponser us please write to Thank you for your time. HYBRID SOLDIERS


August 11th and 12th - Scienario Game 2001.
Visit our message board.

The Members of HYBRID SOLDIERS Private Page Links.

John Norberto

Rob Figuero

Rory McDonough

Our Experiences


Paintball Sites and other sites

Cheapest prices anywhere
Awesome Site
Paintball LI Website
Pro Shop
Affordable Drywells (our sponsor)
