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Rob and K.C.'s Shoutouts

  • John: Don't look at me like that with those squeegees. Sniping in the capital tower is fun especialy when a fat guy rolls down the hill.....even if we did only had spyders.
  • Kris:Get the damn Shocker before the Big game and the tourny and maybe we won't kick your ass....thats if your lucky.
  • Krista:I could say alot of things to you right here but I won't because you'd probebly kick my ass. So i'll just say thanks for all the things you've done for me when I wasn't feeling good. Your a great friend.Lazer Zone is awsome
  • Meaghan:I'm glad that we got to meet each other and got to be friends. You know you can always talk to me if you need to like at Kris' party. Your such a dropped your gun.
  • Nicole: It's great to be able to talk to you again and know that your not mad at me....i hope LOL....No more least for a while =)....I'll remember those free asstralia hit and trips to china =) HAHA.
  • Crissy:Thank you for talking to me while you were taking a helps me sleep at night. Just Kidding. Good luck with ollie...i guess LOL.
  • Chris N:The Spyder Compact that I used was broken otherwise you would have been a dead man. We want to play again sometime.
  • Stephanie and Jeanne: It's been a while since we've talked but we finaly did and the first thing you did was complain to me about not being on my page so here ya go. Next time we go to the movies stay sitting. j/k.
  • Chelsea: I'm glad your one of our cheerleaders now. Puddle Stomping is cold and wet....but REALLY FUN. I hope we get to hangout more often cause your really cool. O and whats wrong with being called Mrs. F or Figs?...thats a complement.=)
  • To all the people I may have forgot:Just tell me and i'll put you in cause i'm drawing blanks for more people to write about. Sorry if I forgot to put you in.
  • Kris' Shoutouts

  • John: I could care less about him now.
  • Rob: I could care less about him.
  • Nicole W: I had a fun time at the movies. You seem like a nice person. Sorry but that is all i know about you. Did you like my bowling skills in the theatre. Take it easy on John. Why does you b/f act like a ass all the time.
  • Nicole: Hey whats up?You know you are going out with a blackanesse person? well i am glad you finally said yes *wink*
  • Rory: Hey are you happy now. Sry I didn't save it. Ohh ya that chair hert. That was kool but then it wasn't. Lol.
  • Frank and his team: It may of been there first time playing paintball but they just suck. We killed your whole team and I killed two people on your teamates in a rapid fire.
  • Teresa: I dont know much about ya,but you seem pretty kool and violent.
  • Rory's Shoutouts

  • John: hey you, u peinga. ok well i got some stuff to say and i doupt your gunna like much of it but sit tight and fasten your seat belt and here comes something called the truth. OK well to satrt just to get things rolling by sayin u got some nerve. Some nerve tellin kris what he has to get and also tellin him to take a joke cuz u should try taking a joke to. What is this we are guys we rag on each other BS you act like a pienga infront of your new g/f when i rag on YOU a little bit u throw a fit whats the matter its ok when u do it to kris but you dont like it being done to you. O yea and that whole i was going to go to Bryans team what is that that is a lie because he invited me a kris on his team and said that he would never let john on and i quote " i dont like !*$$%'s that hide in the back do nothing and try to surrender" SO GET YOUR STORY STRAIGHT O yea and u try out for ground zero hah dont make me laugh. and we suck that is the stupidist thing u have ever said seeing as without us there is kinda no team. And saying u are better that is stupid that is like comparing a line backer and a recever we all have totally different styley u stay in the back and hid i run up rob lays down the cover and kris is the middle man just cuz u live dont make u better cuz for every one guy u take out i get 3 so shut up.
  • tom flemming: tom is my inspiration for paintball every person i shoot i imagine his face on their body.
  • ok on a lighter note: matt matt is my best friend thats my main man he plays to but not as much as the rest of us.
  • ok hi kris old buddy old pal this guy is a good player and a good friend im glad to call him a team mate
  • rob i didnt forget ya u can annoy but your there when it matters props to ya B and wait look here comes a big wave catch it catch it hey we got it but where john????