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Killa Commandos Biggest Victories

Extreme Battles

This page is about our moments in paintball. We play anywhere we can think of. Woods, beachs, in the streets or at a field.

If you think you can top these Extreme Battles send an e-mail to Rob Figuero at

1/20/2001: We were hanging out at Extreme Paintball Sports(a local paintball pro shop near us) when Doug Hebert walked in with a bunch of friends for more paintballs and fills. We showed them our guns and they asked us if we wanted to join them in there Bronco and shoot up Amphious Assault(frogs for short)on the beach, we happly agreed. First we had a speed ball game John(Impulse Turbo suped), Rob(Bushmaster2k suped), Domanic(tiger shark) and a kid with a model 98 ~vs~ Joe(spyder 2k suped), Danny(spyder tl plus) from our team and Stephen(auto-mag suped). Dom got killed in the first 2 minutes of the game, then Rob got shot by a stray paintball that curved around his bunker. The kid with the model98 ran out of paint. So it was John against everyone. He poped out the side of the bunkered left handed and shoot danny. Then retreated and waited. My postion was located very easily when my cell phone stared to ring and ring and ring. Joe ran up but ran out of paint. Stephen tried to run up but was caught by John on turbo mode. Hit in the leg. And guess what, John only had 6 rounds left while Stephen had a couple of hundred. Then we went to the beach and waited for them in the Bronco(Heat is GOOD in the winter) there was an intense ride and battle for a good half an hour. Then we got out and had a mexican stand off. Then somebody called the cops, and we left. John still remains undfeated since last summer. Never hit all day. Rob got hit once today in the arm and was bleeding cause it was a bare skin shot and Kris was shopping for our christmas gifts that he just gave us on this day. Better late than never.

1/23/2001: Tom Flemming wanted to play me(Rob) in a few games of paintball. we rode up to extreme paintball and got paint and fills then we went to A.A. feild and played we had a few of A.A. watching us from the sniper tower on their feild. I ran up on tom in the first game and he didn't know where I was and I shot the crap out of him. The second time he was using my Bushmaster and I had my TLPlus. He ran out of paint and I ran up on him shooting at his bunker to keep him inside of it then I came around the side and lit him up. After that Bryan and me had a pistol game he said one sho one kill and we had to chamber it so that there was no blank fireing. We gave eachother the finger a few times and other such things. I walked up the feild and under the sniper tower. I ran to another bunker and he took a shot then ran out and said "HAHA your out"....I looked at my leg and then pointed my gun at his leg and shot him and said "it didn't now your out and I win HA." Then I played a spyder game with Billy....TL Plus -vs- TL Plus. He won because I had no paint left and my barrel was oozing paint from ball breaks in the barrel and I couldn't shoot a single ball so he came up and shot me close range in my arm.
