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Overview of boards:

Animal Fields

Market: Here you may buy and sell animals - much like the Eastern Isle Marketplace, and DS' Market. Auctions, grab-bags, and trades are allowed aswell as usual sales.
Hunts: Occasionally we will organise official Tielo hunts - but you may start your own if you wish. Please make sure you have enough time to go on with it properly.
The Barn: An IC meeting place for any characters. This also includeds the land surrounding the barn - which includeds a lake and small woodland area.
The Fields: This is where you can roleplay your animals. Please no fighting here - that takes place in the Dungeon (although you may have heated disputes or arrange fights here).


Shops: Buy and sell items here. These can include battle items, or things items for creatures. You may not sell animals here. This is the place to offer things like banners or personas.
Underground Network: Beneath the city there is a whole network of sewers and fogotten tunnels. You may roleplay down here as usual, and sometimes quests for rare objects and creatures will be held.
Palace: Another IC meeting place. The Duke may occasionaly hold competitions for rare items or money (sc).

The Dungon

Arena: The battle center. Fight in tournaments or personal grudge matches here.
Refreshment Area: IC meeting place - enjoy some refeshment inbetween battles.

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