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You may simply roleplay as yourself, but you might also wish to invent a new character. In either case you will need a status.
Players may wish to roleplay animals too - this is fine, but you must have a main human character to sign up with.

Please note that you may take part in any aspect of the site regardless off your status. Your status merely describes your main jobs.
Your status may be one from the following:

Creature Keeper: Your main job will be breeding and selling animals. You should generally be prepared to make some of your own animals to sell.

Townsperson: You should be prepared to sell things in the Shops board, and may often visit the Palace and the Underground Network.
Upper-class Citizen: Townspeople who have a certain amount of sc, or make a certain amount of posts will be upgraded to this. They will have certain privilages.

Warrior: For those whose main priority is fighting in the arena. There will be special titles for warriors who have won tounrnaments and so on.

* | Introduction | * | Tielo | * | FAQ | * | Characters | * | Join/Rules | * | Forum | *

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