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Featherwind Boat Building Page.
nice closeups of
Sea Angel underway
It's not a place.
                                              It's a state of mind.
Tranquility Island.
Tranquility Island.
Featherwind Boat Building Page
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This is one sweet sailing little boat.  Last boat I had was a knockoff of an O'Day 14 and it was a pain to sail, slow and heavy.  Look at this picture.  Leeboard is too far forward.  Wrinkles in the sail because the peak sprit is not high enough and a skipper who hasn't sailed in 10 years and never was that good to begin with.   She moves right along and the chase boat was under full throttle, acording to Edna, so they could keep up and photograph.
Were on a reach here.  Frankly the outboard kinda spoils it.   I just want the insurance.  You have no idea the fun I was having.   Phil Bolger the original designer and David Carnel the designer/simplifier have put together an incredible boat as far as I am concerned.
Pointing up a bit here I think.  Looks like Pangangan island in the background. (that's home turf for me)  About now the hands are getting sore because I don't have a cleat for the main.  Two part main is not enough with 70 squares in this wind.  By the way folks,  It's windy like this 90 percent of the time and usually  sunny......    :~)     Eat yer hearts out!
Had to use my teeth to sheet in and still control the tiller.   The new caps and dentures held up remarkably well.  This is about 2 hours into the maiden outing and I know now what changes and improvements need to be made.  Time to drop sail and see how she motors.   My God!  That 4HP Yamaha looks huge on the transom.
