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Maintained by Dai-atlas2000

Issue 1

Issue Details:
Issue 1 of Transformers: Armada went on sale in the UK and Ireland during April 2003 and is on sale until 21st May 2003. It costs £1.75 (which is roughly $3.00). The comic features a good mixture of stories with the usual puzzles and competitions which are aimed at the kids. 

Issue 1 came with a Free Sticker Album and 1 free packet of stickers, which was devoted to the original G1 series. I will post scans of the album in my next update, along with scans of each of the stickers from the album.

Presumably this comic has been released to coincide with the Armada television show which currently is airing on Sunday Mornings at 8:30 on channel 3 in the UK. The comic will presumably run for as long as the TV series is popular.

Comic Downloads:

Large Size downloads
Each file is roughly 300-400kb in size
Click each link below to view the scan
Or download the whole issue as a zip file

01 Front Cover

02 First Encounter (part 1) - page 1
03 First Encounter (part 1) - page 2
04 First Encounter (part 1) - page 3
05 First Encounter (part 1) - page 4
06 First Encounter (part 1) - page 5
07 First Encounter (part 1) - page 6
08 First Encounter (part 1) - page 7
09 First Encounter (part 1) - page 8

10 First Encounter (part 2) - page 1
11 First Encounter (part 2) - page 2
12 First Encounter (part 2) - page 3
13 First Encounter (part 2) - page 4
14 First Encounter (part 2) - page 5
15 First Encounter (part 2) - page 6

16 Next Issue (Back Cover)


Small Size downloads
Each file is roughly 100kb in size
Click each link below to view the scan
Or download the whole issue as a zip file

01 Front Cover

02 First Encounter (part 1) - page 1
03 First Encounter (part 1) - page 2
04 First Encounter (part 1) - page 3
05 First Encounter (part 1) - page 4
06 First Encounter (part 1) - page 5
07 First Encounter (part 1) - page 6
08 First Encounter (part 1) - page 7
09 First Encounter (part 1) - page 8

10 First Encounter (part 2) - page 1
11 First Encounter (part 2) - page 2
12 First Encounter (part 2) - page 3
13 First Encounter (part 2) - page 4
14 First Encounter (part 2) - page 5
15 First Encounter (part 2) - page 6

16 Next Issue (Back Cover)


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