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Petting ZooTwo
This page contains the info for Bungy's "Petting Zoo Two" empire game.
Game Info/Setup:
Page Last Updated: 9pm 25Aug2004
Anguiron     beep        Cincinnati     Darkness
Euforia      Fodderton   Gemini         Howard
Aquitaine    Limbo       Seven          nuke_em
Perdition    Ricin       Rook           Savoia/Dorsai
Shakespeare  Trantor     twistle        Wicked
Update 9 Report
Update 15 Report
Update 24 Report
Update 37 Report
End Game Summary Report
(scroll up!)
PettingZooTwo was won by Ricin (Resvon A.K.A. Mr Ed). 

The deity was Bungholio
(with Ski as an onlooking visiting Deity).

The game ran from 24 June 2004 through 20 August 2004.
        - = [   Empire PettingZooTwo Final Power Report   ] = -
         as of Fri Aug 20 18:00:00 2004

           sects  eff civ  mil  shell gun pet  iron dust oil  pln ship unit money
     Resvon 577   91% 384K  20K  34K 5.1K  55K 156K 3.2K  32K 750  165  135  1.1K
    Euforia 164   97% 131K 7.7K  11K 1.7K  32K  67K 886   23K 161   78   27  2.2K
  Shakespea 298   95% 230K  16K  21K 2.4K  41K  43K 2.1K  34K 550  209  143  1.7K
     Wicked 261   97% 201K  11K  12K 2.6K  30K  63K 1.4K  17K 255   67   81   23K
  Aquitaine 160  100% 133K 7.3K  11K 530   35K  22K 1.6K  11K 186   31   19   33K
      Limbo  83   91%  61K 3.5K 4.0K 867  8.7K  15K 1.4K 5.0K  54   17   12  6.9K
     Dorsai  57   91%  39K 2.2K 5.2K 468  3.8K 7.9K  75  2.0K  97   13   29  7.3K
  Cincinnat  13   90% 2.7K 275  831   42    0  258  120   47    0    1    0  3.0K
       beep   0    0%   1   58  128   20    0    0    0    0   23    6    0 -2.9K
    nuke_em   0    0%   0   85   52   24    0    0    0    0    0   13    0  8.2K
    Trantor   0    0%   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0   28K
   Anguiron   0    0%   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0   17K
    twistle   0    0%   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0   16K
   Darkness   0    0%   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0   14K
      Eight   0    0%   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0   12K
     Gemini   0    0%   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0  8.0K
       Rook   0    0%   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 -9.4K
  Perdition   0    0%   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 -3.0K
     Howard   0    0%   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0  -10K
  Fodderton   0    0%   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 -6.3K
            ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
  worldwide 1.6K  94% 1.2M  69K  99K  14K 206K 375K  11K 125K 2.1K 600  450  150K
Petting Zoo Two had 20 players.  It was played on a medium-scale-sized map, with each player having about 12 sectors of expansion radius from the center of their start sanctuaries (players started with 4 santuaries) before entering that same radius of their neighbors.
Game Maps

(scroll up)
Text Map of the world before everyone broke, but it has the names next to everyone's start continent.
Animated colorized maps for all 43-updates.
large size (800x800 maps)
Game Graphs
Game Update Reports
Game Announcements
End Game Summary Report
Game Setup and Information
Player Survey Results of What They Thought of the Game
Click Here to read the comments
Click Here to view the game parameters, version, etc.
Update 32 Report
PettingZooTwo Final "report *"

#    name                tech      research   education   happiness
1     Euforia          248.38       6.23        34.90       15.98
2     Shakespeare      190.73       6.23        20.78       13.17
3     Limbo            237.67       6.23        21.61       45.15
4     Rook             193.21       6.23         2.29        0.06
5     twistle           74.85       6.23         0.00        0.00
6     nuke_em          158.17       6.23         0.30        0.00
7     Eight             74.85       6.23         0.00        0.00
8     Fodderton         92.42       6.23         0.00        0.00
9     Aquitaine        212.26       6.23        25.39        0.00
10    Darkness          74.85       6.23         0.01        0.00
11    Wicked           223.31       6.23        24.70       13.02
12    Trantor           83.12       6.23         0.02        0.00
13    Resvon           226.73       6.23        22.60        5.94
14    beep             215.72       6.23         8.23        0.00
15    Gemini            87.66       6.23         0.01        0.00
16    Perdition        130.73       6.23         0.11        0.00
17    Anguiron          81.24       6.23         0.00        0.00
18    Howard           101.59      12.46         0.01        0.00
19    Cincinnati       147.24       6.23         0.18        0.00
20    Dorsai           226.85       6.23        16.34       13.49
Animated colorized maps for all 43-updates.
small size (400x400 maps)
Click Here to see the extra special deluxe graphs of:
Power score -vs- update
Tech -vs- update
Education -vs- update
Happiness -vs- update
Players started on a 55-sector continent, a choice of their initial start continent from the choice from 3 flavors, Vanilla, Chocolate, or Strawberry.  The start continents included a 100% stocked fort.  There were small 7-sector expansion islands (60 total expansion islands) between the players, with one deity mil defending each expansion sector.  The expansion islands in the East-West direction were much closer than the north/south onese to the start islands, making them both vulnerabilites and liabilities.

Beep and Rook allied early and their teamwork led to an early dominating lead in the power chart.  During the beep-Rook domination, Aquitaine kept poking jabs at their dominance in an attempt to rally the world against them, whilst some players were considering tossing their towels. The beep-Rook alliance domination ended at around the 23rd update, when Ricin claimed the #1 spot in the power chart which he held until the endgame.

Dorsai, the replacement player for Savioa at update #9, drove the tech lead until update #24, until Euforia got his economic Sim City into full efficiency, and Euforia drove the tech ladder home.

The beep-Rook alliance ran into difficulty around update #32, when Rook tried to battle Aquitaine on Aquitaine's annexation of the Anguiron continent, beep was gearing up for an incredibly dug-in Cincinnati, while Ricin continued his expansion into Perdition.  Thus, Rook was defeated on the Anguiron continent, and Cincinnati chewed up enough of beep's focus for Ricin to gain ground.

Ricin and Shakespeare meanwhile were in talks of forming an alliance, which must have been tricky grounds for Shakespeare, as Shakespeare and beep worked together earlier in the game on the twistle island.  Wicked joined their alliance, and Rook and beep islands started dissappearing.

Aquitaine took on a personal battle with Limbo, but Aqui's personal life (burp) drowned out his abilities to focus a decent attack on the Limburger.

The final straw was drawn when Rook missed a few updates, and Ricin and Shakespeare capitalized on his absense and overran his Darkness and home continents in a matter of 3 updates.

It was a game for the books for a summer game.  20 players entered, 8 survived until endgame.  One player was the winner, Ricin.  Plenty of sheep jokes were shared.  We even had guest appearances by Metallica and Overlord, and even Finland popped into the visitor barn portal (peep-hole) for a sniff.

By the end of the game, Ricin had a 2x power score lead over the #2 country in the power charts.
Empire is a game, played by people who take on ficticional characteristics, and any statements contained herein should be  interpreted as their  ability to have a creative aspect to their personalities.