Friday, November 29, 2002
it wasnt bad, helped mum clean coz she took the day off (or a sickie) for tomorrows party (sister's 18th - HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIS!!!)
sister was babysitting charline, she is such a cute baby!!!! i like playing around with her!!! so sweet!!! makes u feel light and happy! and act like a baby making all those baby noises and pulling faces! lol
i guess we are starting the time apart with friends since the sem is officially over except for the sup which i wish them all the best!
its raining! thank god!

::::: Arvin was distracted @ 7:02 PM -

Thursday, November 28, 2002
jos didnt turn up, didnt see hosai either, viv came late and i taught her i.s. roya and meb left. me and viv are waiting here in the library if they turn up.

i brought the mp3 player and it was nice listening to music (tlc) while walking to uni, i use to do that but the radio thing broke and i keep replacing it, why didnt i use it in the first place, it was nice walking quitely, i needed it too.
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the last few days >> helping friends study and being with friends. the beach, the park, the river, outside a shop, some eating place. its gonna be missed.

last day for me here at uni, i wont be coming tomorrow coz i have to help out at home coz its my sis's party on the weekend. ive been coming home late and my parents keep asking why and what else do i have to do in uni.

amali left for sri lanka for the holidays yesterday and we are all just trying to have fun during these last days.

i saw alison today at the bus, shes doing fine also going to graduate.

suppose to teach viv today but shes not here yet and jos might not be coming coz roya called her who i saw at the library and said she was still at home, meb just came and hosai is supposedly coming too.

it looks like rain.

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::::: Arvin was distracted @ 11:22 AM -

Monday, November 25, 2002
what now? wait and see if i graduate! i hope we all can. together. please.
i bought the book! time to relax yet i am so worried. there is nothnig i can do now.
i love the tlc album!
friends are better! family is good too and baby charline (ate sper and husbands baby) that my sis is babysitting is so cute!
its so hot!
tomorrow should be fun!
::::: Arvin was distracted @ 9:48 PM -

Sunday, November 24, 2002
i have one more exam and that is on monday afternoon, my friends help me out to study, particularly jos, who is planning to be a teacher, with that i am just reading and making up answers i dont know what esle to do.
i am looking forward to it because after that i can finally relax and just do nothing.
i am gonna be sad coz i wont get to see my friends everyday anymore. all the fun times, yes they were fun. the crazy things we did. lol. i am so going to miss it so much.
i am also scared because...
One is if i graduate i would need to find a job, a proper job, how hard could that be? let me see, i know people in the same industry that are jobless and yes they are smart and also looking.
Two is if i failed and i would have to come back all alone doing something that i dontparticulary enjoy and with that let my parents down.
i wanna graduate so much and some how get a job and definitely keep in touch with all my friends. i hope all these wished come true. they could be my christmas present.
as for the family, i am doing nothing around the house. let them do all the work as i study. its good coz they kno what its like if i dont help out and let other people do work. yet im so protected still that one day my parents called my friends phone to know where i am, i was studying at uni.
i hope it turns out well.

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::::: Arvin was distracted @ 11:04 AM -

Friday, November 22, 2002
i made another lie, white lie, to protect some people, but they still wanna get burn. while others are too preoccupied with other things, others are too involved and they just can't let it be. there is nothing there and yet they continue and play the game. why do we have to be compete with each other, pressume things, be uncomfortable, why do we have to make it so difficult for everyone. just be, coz its too much now.........
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Thursday, November 21, 2002
i feel so disappointed on my self, i feel so responsible, why do i do this? i feel so guilty. i am such an idiot, i just hope that it turns out alright!
::::: Arvin was distracted @ 8:55 AM -

Wednesday, November 20, 2002
exams exams exams......i am so tired, yet i still go on... im half way there.... its good to have people around you to make you feel better!
::::: Arvin was distracted @ 8:19 AM -

Wednesday, November 13, 2002
i bought TLC 3d!!!!!!!!!! its so good!!!!
im also liking avril lavaigne and westlife with bonus cd!!!!!
yesterday was so nice in the lake + burger king....... after the study...........the things we do......
gonna go wasnt we are ready....

::::: Arvin was distracted @ 12:13 PM -

Monday, November 11, 2002
thursday I came to uni for 2 hours after lunch and it took me around 4 hours to travel and get ready, I got there hoping to get some hints for the final exam, nothing, I got nothing. Maybe there is another reason but I dont know it yet. I got home and told my bro to clean up while I started the essay.
friday was good, hectic, busy, stressing but I did it! I got all the final assessment done! I was so relieved but also worried, paranoid that I did something wrong. Then I realized there is nothing I can do, its already done.
beenz came to help hos! it was nice to see her.
viv left early, amali didn't turn up and meb came late. jos was trying to help which was nice. We then took pics and cam for the last teaching day. Sentimentality. (cammed by jos)
after driving around penrith and listening to mebs' gomez while looking for a film for mebs aps, we decided to go to the foam party. I was shocked, everyone was dancing in the wet, foam as in soap and water, dance music and half naked people all wet. I couldn't do it, I wasnt prepared and just didn't think I could do it, jos was I don't know but meb kinda wanted too. We watched a while and decided to just go somewhere for the last day.
we drove, places we could go to were either close or too far away. We wanted a place to eat a little something and talk.
it led us to this nice place at queen street, the pizza was so nice! open ti'll 4am. We stayed ti'll just after 12 and we shared. (taped by meb)
meb took us home. I should have called home coz dad was waiting up coz I told him he might need to pick me up. Ate a bit and watched video hits with sis (bro and mum was alseep already)
saturday was so lazy and hot and tired. Bathed the dogs and just slept. Sis went to party and got home at 3am (parents couldn't wait any longer and so they picked her bro's friends came over (double date?!) I went online.....I wanted to go out....meb and jos called saying that I could be lieing about sleeping.
sunday.....for the first time that i can remember i spoke to my aunt and cosuin gaye-anne from canada! so nice! hope they are ok!.....Couldn't be bothered to do anything.....Tired and hot and sleepy....Might organize something later.....Lots studying this week. Wish me luck!
cant wait for TLC 3d!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


::::: Arvin was distracted @ 3:06 PM -

Thursday, November 07, 2002
i have made progress!!! nearly finish psycho diary, then im gonna go to os lecture...all the way to uni...oh noo...and then get home and do psycho essay....i have no idea but i might do the drives.....then tomorrow hopefully finish ai and is.....please!..i need to get these out of the way.... coz i need to start studying...i have 4 exams and 3 of them are in a row....arghh!!!! help me! gotta go bye! wish me luck!
::::: Arvin was distracted @ 12:13 PM -

Wednesday, November 06, 2002
true to the meaning procrastinaters club and idiot savants....cant spell too....yet i have learned a few words...i should have written them down.

meb picked me and jos up at our houses, now i can finally say that that hapened to me. so nice. but made me think that all this is about to end, we try so any many ways.....

i got home and my family were about to have dinner, the table was set and my plate was missing in its place.

i dont mean to be mean, i just say....... and they liked fusion's performance.

gotta go...gonna actually start work...i feel sleep...urghhh..sis didnt bother waking me up....actually too late...

and she's late again...why do i do this...i more

daylight savings time...

+ added around 10:50am

hos didnt turn up.....she just came and off to class now and i got a bit of work done so thats ok.

have a nice day everyone!
::::: Arvin was distracted @ 8:22 AM -

Sunday, November 03, 2002
hey all! i had an awesome time last saturday! the picnic was really AWESOME!!!! it started with a drama at home about me needing to ask to go still..i know now.....but me, bec, teri and ness.....we meet at the station at noon , went to park, talked, get food, back to park and then did some lots of walking, take pics, laughing and fun stuff....crazy nice!!!!

at night it was john's was good too!!!!!...didnt got to the dinner thing (sorry john - teri's b-day too) but i went to the video/monopoly part! john, dom, nat, ron and rons friends anette?, sarah, paulo (thanks for the lifts!), david, ed, shannon and me.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOHN!!!!!

i didnt get to do work this weekend, so i guess this last week of uni will be lotsa work. i am so scared. we are gonna finish, im just gonna take it one day at a time. its gonna close soon.....i'll enjoy it no matter what. i dont want dramas right now. so please.... v and m....i cant do this now....i am just gonna chill and enjoy what we have left....

so scary my friend jos is planning to go back to uni to do good! she's gonna do what she really want! i wish her well!....ohhh. and how does meb do it? and uni everymorning.....good too!!!

so hot today.....gonna sleep night all!

::::: Arvin was distracted @ 11:03 PM -

Saturday, November 02, 2002
just finished downloading some new tlc songs - snippets 2 minutes try-out for fans at from their new album 3d coming out on nov12...cant wait!!!!! sounds so good!!!!!!!!!!

also to mention....
-really good psycho tute with visiting theraputic and interactive....
-saw jos' sis, sherylin (cant spell) who waved first (nice) at chicken man with sot and donna....not sure who the other girl was -vera?...i went to say hello to them .....when i saw all of them sweet they still come back......
-the walk though the park was so relaxing...

ok betta go to sleep. its late or early.
::::: Arvin was distracted @ 2:55 AM -

Friday, November 01, 2002
sitting here. why do i do this. anyways...i recieved this rose quartz from jos...its so nice and its contained on a red pouch...thanks jos!

i have realised that im too concerned and too demanding with my friends. i should just chill. sometimes i feel too tired of it. i should just let go and not force or overdo thnigs. its weird saying that coz people say im not that attached (maybe they mean intimate thing...yeah). it will be ok. i dont know. i feel like its just too much..have gone beyond and still....i should just stand back and not destroy it by pecking at it....hey wait ...maybe we need this??? basically i just need to chill more but its hard too....i'll try..its all good! so many things are least i am learning and aware not clueless all the time.

quotes i remembered....
-trust goes both ways
-willful blindness
-a good idea now, is a good idea in 2 weeks

cant wait..saturday will be busy......picnic with friends and dinner with another.....should be fun!!!!

i looked around ok i think i get it!!!!....sweet.......

hos and basam are doing iwsd.....they were so robbed with their marks, they were telling me especially basam who didint even pass....they are going to complain....i just remembered my experience with iwsd with my friends......yep it was good...

anyways...i think im gonna walk through the park again.....later!

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i just wanna save this.................

time: fri20sep02-6:34pm
mood: really good
hmmmm: better start assingments early
give me more time to sleep
yum yum: flake chocolate
entertained: +24/twentyfour +search for a supermodel +CSI and Smallville +simpsons and daria +malcom and the middle and friends +ally mcbeal and stargate +***wanna see >> lilo n stitch and XXX
play my song: +joe-i like sexy girls +beanie man feat. janet-feel it boy +no doubt-underneath it all +tweet-call me +misteeq-this is how we do it +khia-my neck my back +ludacris and foxy brown-whats your fantasy +charlton hill-2's company +mario-just a friend +beonce-work it put +monica-all eyes on me +a*teens-falling in love with you +selwyn-rich girl +eminem-my closet +vanessa carlton-ordinary day +avril lavigne-skateboi +inoj-all i want is your love (remix) +blaque-questions +atomic kitten-its ok +outthere brothers- fuck you in the ass +jungle brothers-freakn' you
check out: Yrth Mirror :: A fish for all seasons...
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do u keep a list too? let me know!
0. i like updated lists, this is my first
1. i download music
2. i should drink less cola
3. people think im vain/plastic/fake/cold/honest
4. i lick my lips coz it drys a lot
5. this list is kinda funny
6. gonna grow my hair until summer
7. i like the single numbers 7, 5, 3, 6, and 8
8. i want to learn karate and a musical instrument
9. i like finishing things. accomplising!

site: since feb2002, blog, pic, links, all aboout me, thoughts, outlet, appreciate feedback and heaps fun...
me: male, 21, college student, IT, filo, aussie, single, 5'6, aquarius...
people say i can be: vain, cold, loud, fake, plastic, honest, nice, wise, quite...
aggrevated by: rude and fake people, tryhards and big egos, selfish and narrowminded, broke and bored...
fascinated about: documentaries, history, art, magic, sites and people in public...
distracted on: nice and friendly, religious, gardenning, who drive old looking car like cadilacs, summer looking, waffles, beannies, food, warm bed, pleasant looking...
::::: Arvin was distracted @ 3:37 PM -

comments by: YACCS
powered by: BLOGGER
hosted by: ANGELFIRE
since feb.2002 - enjoy!

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