at the moment
03/05 ella's birthday!
03/19 jos's birthday!
03/25 lola's birthday!
10:11:37 PM

about me arvin. 22/m/aus. college I.T. student. catholic. filo. aquarius. eldest. aussie. weblogger. you can email me at >>
about this site its a place for my ... rant, rave, vent, outlet, creative space etc. here is a shortcut >>
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friends .Teri. T. Mariebel. Josette. Vivienne. Hosai. Amali. Roya. Beenish. Ritesh. John. Eddie. Bec. B. Jean. Tyra. Nick. .us_friends. uni.friends.
links .casey. erwin. jen. mar. carlo. dana. chelle. danielle. tina. melissa. summer. blair. teresa. scott. kevin. donna. kat. renee. sans. marc. khadia. sean. april. jodinand. stephanie. tina. julie. cici. stephen. genevieve. funny. karen.
exchange .raquel. lexcis. mihoshi-chan. shelle. and
resource .Digital Charity. HTML Goodies to Go!. Websoup Resources Directory. quotes!, ringtones, and midi files.
snapshots here is a picture of me, so u get a visual. i dont know if i should add more pics of me or other people or stuff...

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