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.Arvin. Teri. T. Bec. B. Mariebel. Josette. Vivienne. Hosai. Amali. Roya. Beenish. Ritesh. John. Eddie. Tyra. .us_friends. uni.friends.



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:: Saturday, March 15, 2003 ::
hello and how are u all?

i want to write stuff here so.....i am here. i told u i wanna a write hear at least once a week or something.... i have read all those stuff down there but i might forget some things so i apologize in advance.

V i am going to your engament party so count me in! sounds like fun! (is this enough RSVP) as B said .... the change of name? Mrs Vanessa Kidd. i am glad i dont have to change mine, or need to change mine. it'll be so weird if i do though, but i wouldnt do it. is it illegal if you dont change your name if u get married, that is if your a girl and all, i dont know???

i was talking to a friend about getting married and finding the ONE and its such a scarry thought for me. i dont know if i can do that, i am not so into having the ONE. i am not saying that i cant be monogamous but well i ever NOT get sick of them, but if ur in love thats all you think about ...right? the love you have for each other. i mean i can understand flaws and quirks but having to deal with them 24/7....i am making it sound like a job.... but u know i am just not that comfortable to the whole idea of being STUCK...(omg....i think i have found my randomness blabbering nature again...yey!.)...with that one person...yet.......you start to think...well they like this? will they agree with what i am doing? is this the right decision for both of us?... i can never lose myself with someone, coz i hear a lot of people lose a part of themself when they get married and one day they realise....what am i doing?... what do i like?... i cant do that......ok enough about that.....

the job thing is something that i am NOT looking forward to, i dont want to think about it ti'll i am actually looking so i wish u all the best (job hunters) and i am just gonna enjoy my break as B said. there is this quote...dont worry about things until you have to....and so i am not THAT worried.......lol

actually it isnt my break coz i am babysitting and thats basically half work coz i get paid to do it and i am not always doing something that I WANT coz the baby needs my full attention....did i tell you how cute and sweet the baby is.....Charlene is the cutiest!!!!! (she just turned 1) shes walking a lot now and copies most of the things we say to her but its takes a few days for her to add it in her vocab....i love how they learn and smile and look so cute all the time... i wish i look cute all the time...lol...joke...cuteness to babies is as natural as the sun rising and setting.....find me a baby that is not cute....they smell baby cute too!...i wish i smell baby cute too!...lol

about the friday day off......technically its my day off... my sister doesnt have tafe and my brother is at school and my parents are working.....it works out (NOT) that my sister then babysits and i have to freakin clean the house... as you know friday is cleaning day in my house and that is a MUST... it gets annoying since i want a day off and do stuff with friends...

about that movie premiere... i will try and make it...it should be excellent! i love the thought how we can talk and sit there waiting...it should be fun.... i mean i get to see orlando and other cast membes but i get to see you guys! well thats just me coz i am not as attached to him... i dont want to take him away from T. good luck to T in her subjects!

T and B.. about looking,.....for me.... i usually am very aware of my sorroundings...i kinda scope things out from a far... i do that which is weird.... i am not alert but i want to know what is ahead and who is there and such. it comes to my territory of not minding my own business thingy... BUT i get do so weird and shy when someone directly looks at in the eye... but i try and look back at them... i want to be able to be ok with all that looking someone in the eye... feels more confident of who i am to do that... thats just me... in other traditions...looking someone in the eye is rude especially if they are elderly...anyways it shows courage and strenght... but i get my days when i have no interest and just gaze where ever... thats weird...i hit things a lot... as in i bump and push things a lot, even at my house....where i know where everything is... my feet will hit the cupboard and my hand will bang the table...ouch... so i am not alert but rather informed that they are there but not care that they are there and hit them anyway.....lol....i dont make sense...

what else...Magellan!!! such a cool name.....and so true what T said about the explorer thing....pets are so sweet and a mouse would be so cute..i know since we had 2 before....they make me feel happy and something that I can take CARE of.....its good for you.....pets rock!!!! and say hello to magellan for me!

Wow!!! thats so cool V! how at the end... u get to go to ur destination! see its meant to be... what is the connection??? when u see it tell us, there has to be a reason why you wanted to go there so much and now you are!!!... i am making it sound mysterious and creepy... hope not....make sure u enjoy ur trip (duh...dont need to say that) and take lots of pics to show us!!!!! ps... doesnt theresa finiche....do to byron baby a lot...lol. btw...our washing machine makes this random noise sometimes...we've had it for nearly 10 years now...so hope it gets better soon!

Thanks for the MOJOS....T.... here are some of mine to all you guys....MOJOS!!!!!!

got to end with this....B thing!

*5 things that annoys me right now
1- tv shows not on yet
2- the mud in the backyard
3- songs i want that i cant find
4- not getting over things
5- little time i have

*5 things that i enjoy right now
1- more sleeping
2- days off - weekends
3- teaching baby Charlene
4- writing this
5- life is good!

*so what is A up to right now ???
nothing much here same as before!

ok that is all!
see you around and so long! (i dont get....... so long)

nighty night!
arvin xoxoxo
:: us friends 11:27 PM [+] ::

:: Friday, March 14, 2003 ::

This will be short cause I want to get stuff auction listed before midnight. Was supposed to do it all last night but sooo very tired. ..thanks for the invite V. So your name will be Vanessa Kidd eh? This is assuming you decide to change it. Very cool. The forecast is that I can come!! but I will confirm it closer to the time. I have no idea where the place you are hosting it at is so I will have to look into that. Or I will be a moocher and bribe someone else for a ride.

I was reading T's blog below and I'm similar with the eye contact thing. I was at the bank today looking into opening a new account and the woman looked right at me as she was talking and I mean right at me. You know how some people seem to look so hard into you that it's like they are burning a hole into your head? I found myself go all nervous and I couldn't look at her but I had to. I really need to work on that.

Hey A, hope you're well! Enjoy your time off man and don't think too much about the job hunting thing. If thoughts do creep in and you start to freak out or really not look forward to it, just remember that us friends will be there to be hunting along with you! Plus your uni friends are doing the same so you're well surrounded!

Cool! I knew Magellan was an explorer but I didn't know how much he did get to explore...all I knew was that he discovered the Mississippi - this info is courtesy of Seinfeld. TV does actually teach you things - I read a stat somewhere that our brains are more active while we sleep than when we watch TV. That is scary man. I wonder if it's the same for the cinema? Cause that is just expensive TV really and on a bigger screen so maybe it's twice as much brain-snooze cause the scale is bigger...eek!

Everyone has a mobile these days. It amused me to see this 80 yr old Asian lady in the city yesterday answering her mobile that rang to the tune of the Muppets theme. I gotta get me a Nokia cause my dinosaur phone isn't enabled to take all those ringtones or logos or even messages cause my screen is one line and not four like the Nokia so when I get a funny picture sms, I can't tell why it is so funny.....ugh whinge whinge....I don't mean to. I will say though that for the thousands of ringtones there are out there, I always seem to hear the same ones when on the train - Dilemma song by Nelly/Kelly, Simpsons, Star Wars and the Muppets. I am searching for a Seinfeld ringtone...man that would rock!

OK I think I am done spouting crap........have a great weekend guys !

Love.......... B !
:: us friends 10:29 PM [+] ::

:: Tuesday, March 11, 2003 ::

Goodmorning all.

Today i spoke to someone at Uni. actually i spoke to several. And they all made 'the first move' you might say. Yep, my problem is most of the time i wait for life to happen to me instead of going out and experienceing it. Plus i dont make much eye contact and when i do make eye contact it's usually be accident and i end up having either a blank or thoughtful look on my face which people interpret as "get away from me!"

Bec, you're so lucky to be a metal monkey, i think i am an air(head) goat. Actually i made a major blunder back in school days when i had to present a topic in science class. I mistakenly misused 'astrology' for 'astronomy'. No wonder the teacher had bemused look on his face, obviously i hadnt done my homework.

For MARCH 23, I AM DEFINATELY THERE (i read the paper too. doesnt BLOOM remind u of a pirate in that picture? Mum says not her type but dad approves of my taste) Although, perhaps we could turn up a little later.....maybe 10am instead of 7am.
okay, its going in my diary. MARCH 23 IS ORLANDO DAY!!

Yes, i do get what Bec mean's by the breadroll. If you havent heard about the bread roll and are intrigued, ask and you will be enlightened.

Also, Magellan "discovered" Phils for the king of spain who was called Philip at the time and hence Philippines. Discovered is loosely used since the natives already knew the place they lived in existed.

And thats your history lesson for the day kiddies.
:: us friends 11:35 PM [+] ::

:: Monday, March 10, 2003 ::

Hey there again guys... ! This is just a quick blog about the whole ned Kelly thing...yeah I think if we were out there at 7am it would be enough for us to get a good view. The camping idea to me seems fun in theory but I was caught in the rain today and I was imagining us shivering in our little blankets in the cold and I was like...'nuh-uh'. Let's all do it! Wheee! It's a weekend so A could come too and I am sure we could all amuse ourselves with each other until the premiere which is usually about 630pm but then stars are stars so they come late which I think is just a way of whetting our anticipation even more..mean people. I am not sure which cinema it is at as most are held at Fox Studios now but some are held still at the George Street cinemas...I am hoping it is at Fox Studios as it is easier to sit there rather than in the middle of a footpath at George Street. The Sydney Daily Telegraph said on Feb 26 that Orlando was tipped to appear at the Sydney premiere and I am looking around for more confirmation...I reckon he probably will so what the hey? We can make a fun day of it and sit and wait and chat. Also, the premiere place will always headline on a huge sign who is scheduled to appear so if he doesn't come, we won't have to stay.

Sidenote - in real life, Joe Byrne, the character Orlando plays, was killed by being shot directly in the groin. I am hoping and really don't mind if they don't do that to poor Orlando in the film. Ouch man! This isn't a spoiler as everyone knows that the ending of the Kelly Gang ain't no Disney tale.

T, why do you need therapy? You're great girl! Although, I share your thing about people as I have a problem talking to people also. I sometimes appear very standoffish and am slow in making new friends. For me, it is because it takes a long time for me to regard someone as a friend because 'friend' means so much to me so I end up kinda sticking to people already in my circle. As for people in general, I am uncomfortable with new people cause it takes a while to suss them out. I wish I was the person who could just enter the room and everyone likes me right off. Nick seems to be that person. I actually applied for this job where I didn't realise I would be having so much people contact and I mean a lot of contact and the thought kinda freaks me out now so half of me hopes I don't get it cause I don't think I would cope. I hope that doesn't sound crazy or lame. Things should all work out though! .. T, you read horoscopes too? My mum got me into the whole astrology thing and I tend to go toward the chinese horoscope for me. Apparently, I am a metal monkey...that sounds kinda rock and roll to me, so cool!

Anyways, ...... maybe we can all organise something where we all camp out the day of the Ned Kelly premiere. It is a Sunday on March 23 so we have a fair amount of time to get everyone together. If it does go ahead, cameras are a must man!! Hey T, maybe you can bring a bread roll!...hehe hope you got what I meant by that hehe :)

Later guys !!!!! Love...........B
:: us friends 7:41 PM [+] ::

Goodevening all!
i had to download some lecture notes so im on early.
well last week (1st wk at uni) was a bit bewildering. (spell?) But this week the stars say that i have gotten my mojo back and all will be well. Hoorah!

okay, now i shall quickly read thru your blogs....

Bec; you're right. well kinda. i did commercial law at TAFE and and now i gotta do Business law, they are basically the same but im waiting on approval for an exemption. If i dont get it by 31st march then thats it, i dont get exemption. I also have to do Economics again...grumble grumble...hope the consumer law thing works out for you...those silly administrators..grumble grumble...

My day off is WEDNESDAY pls anyone call me (im reminded of those late night commercials- u know the ones)

Arvin; no i have not met any new friends yet. why? because i need help - therapy, so will TALK to people :)
keep up the excercise. i walk to and from uni at least twice a week, feels good.

Bec! PLEASE TAKE ME TO NED KELLY! ORLANDO REALLY TRYING TO TURN UP SO I REALLY WANA GO SEE HIM! IF ITS NOT THE PREMIERE THEN WHO CARES, HE'S STILL IN THE MOVIE. I so want to go to the premiere but i think cant camp out. i wish i could tho. would there really be that many people there? cant we turn up at 7am or something instead?

Ness; this is so cool that you're seeing Australia! i so want to fo on a national road trip.

SOrry i dont write much about myself guys, uni makes me tired.

If something ends up being organised and i dont reply here then just sms me. at the last minute is fine with me.

Goodnight all. Teri

ps. Bec, Magellan is of some significance in Philippine history. i cant quite recall what about right now but he his. Unless its just a guy with the same name. Budgies are vicious little creatures and noisy too, i just make as much noise back at them.

pps. goodluck everyone on their job hunting, i will share my mojo with you all this week. ready?...MOJO.............

:: us friends 6:32 PM [+] ::

Hey guys again ~!

Woah V I swear that Jus and I didn't tell Wayne. Justin was itching to cause he wanted to see his reaction but we agreed that it should be something you should get to rub in first. :) That is so like Wayne to not tell you who told him. Could it be Kazz ? I'll try and find out tomorrow cause Wayne is coming over tomorrow so he and Jus can catch up. I love playing spy! ..

I got a mouse today. I friggin' love it cause it has been so long since I have had a pet I can play with. My last pets were fish and they aren't too fun to pet. I've called her Magellan..after the explorer. It sounds girly and she loves to go exploring so yeah. Jus was gonna get me a guinea pig but we aren't allowed anything bigger than a budgie...I guess I could starve the thing so its size would comply...hehe I swear that's a joke.

Yeah girl I was wondering when you were going to Toowoomba. Have fun! We should all get together when you get back. It feels like it has been a while even though it hasn't. And I feel like I haven't seen Arvin in forever! It's like my mind works in dog years and a month to me is really a year.

Oh geez yeah. I get asked at interviews if I will stay because I don't have a long term work exp. on my resume and I have been studying for so long. They usually go 'cause I udnerstand that you are young so we need to ask"....I guess a lot of young people flake out. I looked in the papers and the Internet and this week doesn't bode well for me application wise. I feel so outdated and the long list of junior positions makes me wanna scream till my lungs go blue. And I hate feeling like I should regret enjoying my childhood when I was 15 and focusing on studies and seeing friends etc rather than working hard every day after school at some burger joint just so I could have an edge employment wise. Sometimes I miss the comfort of school. It was all set and controlled back then and we didn't have to go out and basically beg for an existence. We already had one set out for us and all we had to do was show up. And I loved exams..going to school for a few hours only to write a couple of essays and then get to go out with friends later. And it was such a straight way of accomplishing something. You study and you get rewarded when a test comes along and you ace it. In real life, the rewards are not always equalled with the effort.

Hey T..not sure if you read this regularly but until I see ya next...it has been announced that Orlando Bloom will be at the Sydney premiere of Ned Kelly. He has scheduling conflicts that may see him unable to make the Melbourne show so I guess he is making up for it by coming down here. We could all camp out or something! I have always wanted to do that. And then when he comes, we will weedle you through the crowd and we can distract the guards while you jump over the barriers. We can also have bail money handy should things so awry. The premiere in Melbourne is March 22 and here in Sydney on March 23.

Hmm other news in B world...not much. Will be applying to some more places tomorrow and do the usual start of week thing with that. It sounds awful but as much as they are interviewing me, I am interviewing them because I really want to get it right this time and work at a place I will enjoy and that doesn't, well, suck. This girl I know has changed jobs over ten times in the past year. Every time I talk to her, she is somewhere different. I don't want to be like that because I would feel like such a loser..not to say that she is, but to feel that I don't fit in so many places. I have that insecurity now, I don't want to think I am actually right in thinking that!

Hehe you finally get to Byron bay V. It's like the universe made sure it would happen somehow cause it knew you so badly wanted to go there..hope that didn't sound too mystical. Jus and I wanna go back to Queensland next year around this time. We got this brochure in the mail and the prices at this time are friggin-fantastic! We are talking like 70 bucks a night at a five star hotel/apartment which has the works man! They are fully serviced apartments with cable and a pool and sauna, etc. Friggin' sweet man. And we both are in love with Queensland. Also, it's appealing to me due to the whole buffer zone from in laws thing. I would love to go to New York or England but that won't be happening for a while yet....I'd love it if we could all do that road trip but properly cause our schoolies thing last time wasn't really well, successful. I call for a re-do!

Love ......... B
:: us friends 1:22 AM [+] ::

:: Sunday, March 09, 2003 ::

Hello all,

I haven't been on for a while, mainly coz I have been pretty busy. We got a new washing machine last week. It is really good! The one we had before was only 6 years old. Apparently that is not very old for a washing machine. i know nothing about such things. Anyways, it broke half way thru a wash. It had been fixed twice in the past few weeks, but then it just went dead. So we had water everywhere coz there was still water in the machine. Anyways, we got the repair man in and he said we needed a part. So we waited about a week and a half for the quote. My mum called everyday with no success. We were getting pretty fed up because our washing baskets were filling up and our cupboards were emptying. By the time we got the new one, we had about three weeks' worth of clothes to be washed. Anyways, we were told that the part was not available, so we had to buy a new one. Wow, that was a waste of reading! I apologize!

I found banana custard today. I just had to but it. It's one of those powered ones, so I made it when I got home. It tastes like banana milkshake, but custard. Yum!

Michael and I are going to Towoomba really soon, leaving on Thursday morning, and arriving on Saturday afternoon, staying a night in Port Macquarie and then in Byron Bay. Remember, T and B, how I wanted to go to Byron Bay for our end of school holiday? I finally get to go! On the way home, we are spending a night in Tamworth. If I could drive, we'd be going up in one day, and one day on the way back. But since I can't, we have to stay overnight on the way up. I am SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That thing I need to see you about is your invites to my enagagement party. I still need to see ppl. I will be in Blacktown and Mt Druitt tomorrow, Blacktown possibly on Tuesday a little, and Blacktown and Auburn on Wednesday. Please call me in the mornings to tell me where I can meet you. I think you all have my number.

I feel really icky about this lack of experience thing! Apparently my problem is that I have nothing long term on my resume. The longest is like two months. That suggests to potential employers that I will not stay very long. The reason everything is so short is that it is mostly temp stuff. I so want work! I am applying to heaps of jobs, but don't get called in for interviews. And there's the "experience" word. I need experience! And, like you, B, I feel left behind.

Don't worry about not coming to the party last Saturday. How was your other party A? Michael's was good. T drank one bottle of Cruiser and was drunk. By the time I finished my bottle (these bottles were like 700mls, not the 330ml in normal bottles) I was tipsy considering I had drunk two smaller bottles as I was cleaning the house that day. Once T left I drank more and more and some more on top of that. I got pretty drunk! Michael did too. He ended up putting guacamole on his face coz he thought it would be good for his skin. Very funny! We played "Who wants to be a piss-head yobbo?" but it didnt turn out the way it was planned. By that time ppl had drunk too much, so did not wanna drink any more. One by one the 15 or so people turned into 2, but 2:45am or so.

*5 things that annoys me right now
1- My lack of employment
2- the messiness of my room
3- Not getting enough sleep
4- the fat that i have accumulated around my waist lately
5- my back and shoulders have been sore for a while. So looking forward to the massage in Byron Bay!

*5 things that i enjoy right now
1- MICHAEL!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
2- getting new furniture in my room.
3- planning food for our engagement party
4- seeing my friends
5- looking through photos

so what is V up to right now ???
I am very busy with the engagement party, organising the location, food, etc. I am also trying to get order in my room. Planning for Towoomba. I plan to excericise, but always seem to find something else to do. i get my ring back tomorrow (it was too big) and i am very smily about this. I am feeling nake without it.

Umm, nothing more. Tired but only had dinner an hr ago.

From V. :-)

B, did you or justin tell Wayne that I am engaged? he won't tell me who told him.
:: us friends 9:34 PM [+] ::

:: Saturday, March 08, 2003 ::

Hey there guys!

Arvin!! It's great to see ya mate! I know the feeling by the way~! I haven't been blogging here as much as I used to lately because I am seriously lacking stuff to write about. And don't you worry about what you missed on those days of friendship bonding as you called it, cause there are plenty more to be had where you will be there! I was actually thinking you were free on Fridays as well cause I thought I remember reading it somewhere on your blog but that may have been hopeful thinking. We should all get together real soon!

Hey A, maybe we can job hunt together if I;m still not employed by the time you start looking. It could halve the stress if us friends do it together! I had an interview today and was so nerve wracked but thought 'hey, I will just look upon this as practice' . I don't think I did great only because the person they seemed to be looking for was, well, not me. One of my probs is my lack of work experience. I hate...and I mean hate!! that I feel so old and rundown because 15 yr olds out there are starting early and having arm-long resumes and are managers of friggin' macca stores by the time they are 16. It makes me feel very left behind....and it's so ok to be scared shitless! Job hunting is hard and you need to 'break the ice' at first because you have all these fears based on thoughts and expectations of what you have already imagined the experience to be like and that in itself psyches you out really well. Don't worry if you screw up a few job interviews...actually, take your time with it. Take the job interviews as practice and what you don't do in one, you learn to do in another. It's friggin' awful but there is comfort knowing this hell will not be experienced alone. We'll be there mate!

If you are free on Fridays, we can maybe all organise something for next Friday as an idea. I know Carol is excited at the idea of seeing us all again. And it'd be great to all be together again. For me anyway, I feel strongest when with friends. Like I can do anything. It's like I'm Dumbo and all you guys are my black magic feather. I hope that isn't too sappy. It's just that today, before I went into the interview, my first in a while, I took a few friends photos with me and just looked at them. I was in some and I was looking at how happy and confident I looked in the photo and I was like 'righteo...that person is inside me somewhere..let's get her out'...and then I went to the interview. I think it worked. Personally, I think I'm too quirky for the people at the company. They were all so formal and adult there and I can't quite pull that off. I don't have grace. I really really want it but I really really don't have it.

Hey T ! I am trying to win tickets to see Ned Kelly. The prize is for a double pass. There are a couple of these comps around and I'm entering them all! hehe...I really love the story of Ned Kelly so am really looking forward to this movie. If I win a double pass, you'll be the first person I will offer to take so you don't have to pay! ... I'm hoping and am pretty convinced that the film will be way better than the Ned Kelly show at the Easter Show last year. It was ok...but oh my god, the dialogue sucked. People were laughing cause the lines were read so badly. And Ned Kelly being shot in the leg is not supposed to be funny..?! Speaking of...are we still a 'no' for the Easter Show? I will always be a huge fan of the Show cause it was one of the things my whole family took me to every year and it was a huge bonding thing and it was so so cool. I still 'take' them with me, if you get my drift. My sales pitch for us to all go? Lots of free food, rides (certain showbags have ride coupons), games, shows, animals, lots of free entertainment, showbags!, the fact we can all watch the fireworks together (we haven't done that as a group yet! ah hah! another thing to make the "to do" list) and lots of photo opportunities! No pressure though guys! ...seriously! if it's a no, I'll take orders for the showbags you want and get them for you all when I go.

Hey V, like A, I haven't been able to met up with ya. You have me hugely intrigued though. What is up? Sorry also for not going to Michael's party that weekend. I didn't end up going anywhere that weekend actually. Went out for a few groceries and then got really sick when I got home and slept it off. ......

Anyways, better head off. Am a little beat. The last two days have been 'fat' days where I have been eating more than I should and usually do. I usually eat ok but there has been easter chocolate and some fast food that I ended up succumbing to. Weak moment. I said no for so long though! Maybe I'll give A's anytime-exercise a go. hehe! And A! I'll say it again and again....you're not boring man!!!

Love and laughter to all.........Love ........... B

P.S Am a bit bummed because it has been announced that this current season of BUFFY WILL BE THE LAST SEASON WITH SARAH MICHELLE GELLAR! Scream it with me guys! Noooooo! She has opted out and they are ending it this year or maybe continuing but definitely without her. And so I say &$%# !
:: us friends 2:19 AM [+] ::

:: Friday, March 07, 2003 ::

hello all!!!

i wrote all these things and i accidently deleted it by overwriting it with this thing i was trying to fix....i am such a moron.... so i am kinda pissed-off right now. so i hope i dont sound bad or anything coz i just want to write plesant things for you guys...maybe a few complaints but not more than 50% of this post. so here we go and hope that i have enough to write for you guys to read and actually make sense...does that make sense?

as you know i have not written anything here even though i promissed that i would write at least one post every week but that hasnt happened yet. maybe its because i have nothing to write or i have nothing going in with me.

i am so sorry that i did not attend 2 days worth of friendship bonding, one being V engagement day and michael's party.... i am so sorry.... next time i would really like to see you guys...i heard u guys had an awesome time!!!
good luck therese in your uni year!!! have u meet new friends yet? what campus are u in?
i hope that thing with bec's tafe works out! my friend so close on not graduating coz the system made an error...urghh...its all sorted out now.
what do u want to see us for ness??? i can only see u guys at weekends....weekdays is out coz noone else can take care of the baby.

im gonna go watch the simpsons so c ya later!!!!


i am back...here is becs version of what i am loving and hating right now....

*5 things that annoys me right now
1- stupid was debate.... i dont care for it...its too much...im just living each day...
2- my lips were so dry and now its getting better
3- my shows are not on tv yet...urghhhh CSI, Gimore Girls, Sex and the City, Alias
4- lethargic feel.....i need to move baby!!! what can get me movin...other than motivation...lol..suggestions?
5- misudertandings in my domestic life... people are getting impatient...that includes me.....

*5 things that i enjoy right now
1- i got the net again!!!
2- eating while the baby eats which is every 2 hours....she eat so i eat..lol
3- fave tv show...is 24!!!
4- making a new cd full of new cool songs!!!
5- cathing up with friends via face to face, blog, email, chat!

so what is arvin up to right now ???
i am still baby sitting little cute charlene!!! she is so cute and im getting paid to do it which is extra cool!
i am waiting for my graduation and not thinking about a job until i get that piece of paper.
i am really doing not much....nothing is new....
i am planning write a story...set inthe middle ages...not really sure but i need some motivation...
i ve been writing in my blog early everyday...
i try to exercise like do 50 crunches while waiting for the computet to load or 50 star jumps while baby charlene chews here food...i call it anytime-exercise..lol
i am so boring... i have nothing to say.......lol

i'll be back....


hello dear friends,

its been so long since i wrote something here about whats the haps with me. anyways i first would like to say "hey and hope u are all great!!!". i am doing well and i cant complain coz i am pretty content right now as in family and friends wise plus the health thing which is good. i was kinda sick last saturday coz i was out late and it was freezing but i had a great time and i recovered well so thank god.... i so believe that at the end of the day if we are healthy and have our loved one with us.... its been a super great day, what else can i ask for? a car and a job???? lol....

so what am i going to say? yes i am currently babysitting a family friends baby named charlene who turned 1 last week so she is so energetic and curious and soooooo cute! i am waiting for my graduation and once that is done i need to look for a job which i am not really looking forward to coz i have no experience in job hunting so i guess i would be asking you guys later about the whole thing and maybe you can share some knowledge coz i am scared shitless. ok i swore but i am soooo scared..... but i guess once i get my 3rd rejection letter my skin will get thicker and i would be in peoples face and be so bullshiting/kissing their arse just to get anything. i heard job hunting is hard and i just hope we all get one. as for my friends that are still studying... i wanna wish you all the best and enjoy ur free time coz once school is done u'll have none. i miss it, last week as the first week i heard and a part of me wish i was there and still seeing my friends and all the freetime i have to chill and hang out....assingments-wise is another story....ok i think i should talk about stuff other than school....i hope that i havent bore you yet coz i plan to write a lot of crap here, to make up for my silence.

i got this somewhere and added a few things

i want >> to have more free time.
i wish >> i am more active as in exercise and stuff
i miss >> the days when i was younger.
i hear >> nothing sometimes and go blank
i wonder >> a lot..... about many things....... as in paranoia

5 things you're looking forward to?
1- dinner tonight...lol
2- shows that are coming on tv
3- going online
4- when i am more independent
5- not many things... i live each day right now....not planning much

5 things you love to do?
1- go online
2- entertainment >> music and tv
3- eating
4- share and record my thoughts/experinces
5- sleep

7 things that annoy you?
1- people who think they are better than you
2- weather
3- narrowminded people
4- when im too tired yet i wanna do so much
5- misunderstood
6- when i get paranoid
7- when people dont listen

6 things you touch everyday?
1- pc/keyboard
2- my hair/face/me
3- some cleaning object
4- water/food
5- blanket/bed
6- other people

4 things you do everyday?
1- use the computer
2- eat more than i should
3- wonder about some weird idea
4- listen to music and watch tv

3 things i would say in a day
1- "really....i dont know....."
2- "stoooopiddd......"
3- "whatever......"

if u have 2 hours what would you
>> exercise!!!!!! i wish......go online....lol

first object that comes into mind
pictures...no idea why....

i have no real news, so i am just going to be blabbing about things that are on my mind and stuff that happened last weeks
i am sorry that i didnt come to the V engagement day and the party at michael's place.


ok i dont know what else to add... this is just some stuff i have been up to. my life is a bit boring right now so tell me what u guys are up to.


ps: ness... i dont think i can come tomorrow to meet you.... i rarely go to blk and parra.....im not a shoppping boy...lol...what is this thing? mt druitt???
:: us friends 11:54 PM [+] ::