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The Eudora Sound



Listen to some samples of our music.

Road Map - Standard Eudora

Worse day everyday - Punk/Rock

Sorry- Alternate/Modern Rock

Not working just yet, Sorry =]












Our sound is unqiue to us and were still experimenting with it. The band has large pool of influences that was brought onboard from each member of Eudora. At the core, we love Classic Rock. We use stong bass lines accented by deeply rooted Blues Guitar riffs to attain that Classic Rock feel. We use 12 strings and Acoustic Guitars to carry our music. We do use Hard progressions and Punk progressions. Our sound can be easily classified as "Emo" due to the multiple influences in the band.

We still continue to do contemporary worship services on the side and as a part of a set. We always welcome the chance to do a worship service, because through either our worship services or our original music we still feel our music can better the Kingdom in God's service.

All our original songs are written from a Christian perspective. We do write songs about God and try to praise God in our songs. But we also write about everyday life and our struggles in this world as Christians. Our Lyrics are written in different styles, we range from straight up Rock Lyrics, Punk Lyrics to Hardcore Lyrics.

Put all that together are you have Eudora.

If you are interested in contacting the Eudora for a show/gig, youth rally or just to drop us a line.

Email us at....





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