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RE: [PROTEL EDA USERS]: Selection in Schematic Editor (ex Re: On e dialog box is "odd")

Here is a sample parameter call for 99SE hotkey, menu or icon.


Just to clarify: the Client Basic script named 'Runbom.bas' is placed in
'Templates.ddb' in the 'macros' folder (in the ddb).  'Templates.ddb' is
located in the 'system' folder under the 'DesignExploer99SE' folder.

Duane Foster

-----Original Message-----
From: Geoff Harland []
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 6:56 PM
The idea is that this macro should be invoked, instead of the
Sch:SelectObjectsInsideArea Process (provided by default), when the dotted
rectangle button in the main (Schematic Editor) toolbar is clicked on. The
associated toolbar definition should be changed so that the same bitmap is
retained (SELECTIN.BMP), but the Process invoked is Macro:RunMacro, and the
parameter provided is:


The above will need editing to match your setup. Note also that this is from
Protel 98; I have yet to set this up for use with Protel 99 SE. But if you
study the default Resources provided for use with Protel 99 SE, this should
give you some tips on how to set up this macro for use with this. Amongst
other things, you will almost certainly have to set up a parent DDB file to
contain this macro. (If necessary, either somebody else or myself might be
able to provide more assistance in this regard).