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Key Terms

Internet:  an international computer network linking computers
                from educational institutions, government agencies and

World Wide Web:
a set of Internet computers and services that
                              provide an easy to use system for finding
                              information and moving among resources (WWW
                              or the Web)

Web Site: a group of individual web pages linked together into a
                 single multi-page document, sometimes used to describe
                all pages on a particular domain

Web Browser: a program such as Netscape or Internet Explorer
                        which enables you to view a Web pages

Browse:  to wander or surf the WWW portion of the Internet, viewing
               web pages through a browser

Link:  an object in a web page that takes the visitor to another page,
          downloads a file or starts some other action, (short for

HTML:  the system of tagging used to create web pages

Search Engine: a program that provides a way to search for specific
                           information, such as Yahooligans

where the global electronic communications
                      network operates

Search:  locate a specific piece of information or text in a table, title
              or document

an invisible marker in a web page that provides a
                     spot where a link can point to take a visitor straight to a
                    specific spot within a page, also known as anchors
                    or targets

Key Word:  a significant word used in indexing

Internet Provider:  the service one uses to connect via modem to
                                the Internet, i.e.) AOL, Sympatico

Acceptable Use Policy: policies developed to regulate access to the

Home Page:  a computer screen that serves as an introduction to a
                      network site from which options may be selected

Domain or Domain Name:  the address of a computer on the
                                             Internet, a user's Internet address is
                                             made up of a username and a domain

E-Mail:  electronic mail or a message sent by electronic mail

Modem: device used between a computer and a telephone or cable
              line for converting digital signals


Training the Trainer
FREE On-Line Conference February 14-19, 2000 | Workshop
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