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Over the last few years....

I've been known to change my webpages to reflect the changes in myself. My very first webpage was a take off on the HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy. A wholly remarkable book written by the late Douglas Adams. My second attempt, was a more sedate attempt prompted by changes in my life that made me re-evaluate who I was, what I stood for and where I was going. It was "time" for a change. I quoted Cal Ripken's famous (?) words to his coach when he finally sat out a game after a whole lot of consecutive starts. The page shifted again about 2 years ago as I was preparing for another change, initiation into a coven of Celtic Traditional witches, headed by a very well known, and well respected elder and teacher. It was also covered with lizards due to my new found obsession with them after having a blue and yellow lizard tattooed on my shoulder. Lizards are symbols of dreams, and walking between the worlds, and perhaps it was appropriate to have that symbol whilst I "walked between the worlds" during my preparation for initiation.

Now, however that phase is over. And another phase is drawing to a close as well. I'm teetering on the edge of twenty-something and thirty-something, and a huge life change. And yet, my life is still and open book, full of pages yet to be written. So here I sit, quill in hand (metaphorically speaking of course, in reality, I'm sitting at my computer, keyboard in hand). I feel much like (get ready, HitchHiker's reference coming up!) the innocent sperm whale and bowl of petunias that were called into existence miles above the surface of the planet Magrethea. I want to get a sense of who I am and what I'm doing and what I mean by what I'm doing before I crash into the ground and have to come to terms with not being that any longer, and I also have that feeling of "Oh no, not again".

But I don't know where to start. I don't want this to be a terribly wordy website, because those are terribly boring, but if you were looking for action, you wouldn't be here anyhow! If you are here, and have read this far, you are either curious about who I am or you're bound and determined to find a cure for insomnia.

Where I've been

And perhaps if you've come this far, you're searching for something in particular that may speak to you, in your heart. I'm a bit of a romantic and a dreamer and have very strong feelings that we draw those who are in our lives (or were in our lives) to us because we wanted some lesson from them, whether they are here to stay or just at a tram stop along the way. There is some scientific theory I've learned and tucked away that states something along the lines that as you pass through a space, you leave a part of yourself behind, and pick up a part of where you've been and carry it off.

So here is my list of interesting things:
Strange Hobbies