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Recovering Together

People In Recovery Suffering from Depression and Related Disorders

Info rmation on Depression
Information on Manic Depression - Bipolar, BPD, SAD, Eating Disorders and Depression and Post Partum.
Online Depression Screening

Help for Families
McMan's Depression and Bipolar Web
Polar Paul's Bipolar Life

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Web Sites
Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder
OCD Partners

Abhaya's Home
DID Facts
Shattered Selves
HealingHopes - Together In Healing

APA - Anxiety
BPD - borderline personality disorders

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Women's PTSD - Suite1

Blues Season
Outside In Information about SAD

Panic/Anxiety Disorders
Panic / Anxiety Disorders
Panic Disorder, Panic Attacks & General Anxiety
Psychiatric Times
Social Phobia/Social Anxiety Association

Discussion Groups that cover several areas of depression, recovery and other illnesses.

How to find a good therapist

It amazed me to learn that my fears about my depression and the fear that I was not dealing with life in an appropriate manner were erased once I learned my depression was caused by a chemical imbalance.

Recovery and Depression

I have learned in my recovery that depression was one of the major reasons why I would pick up and use. I found that there is help out there. I have several links on the side with a lot of great information.

Where Alcoholism is a disease of isolation, when suffering from depression it can cause us to isolate more and have that terminally unique feeling that makes us feel like no one will understand what we are going through. This is one of the times we need to raise our hand at a meeting or pick up the phone and call someone and let someone know what is going on in our heads.

Also, I have found that a lot of the same triggers for my drinking were also the same triggers for my anorexia. I remember early in my recovery hearing someone say that the disease is the same for both. I have found when that self loathing creeps up it does affect me however I also realize that this is a situation that can quickly lead to a H.A.L.T. problem if I allow those feelings to consume me.

I have learned that in sharing there are several people with similar experiences. Afterall, in sharing our experience strengh and hope with each other we are able to help others and help ourselves.

Thank you for visiting my page. I hope you were able to find information that helped you. Please feel free to contact me if there is something specific you are looking for and I will try and add it to my site. In the meantime take care HP bless and have a safe 24.

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