Theives Under the Couch!!!
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We had ten ferrets at one time. We just kept saying what is one more... what is one more... okay we have eight ferrets now... but he's so cute... and we can't leave this sister. We bought three at one time once. They were all at the same pet store of course. We couldn't choose whice ONE we wanted. They gave us a discount though. That was when we got Nippy, Delilah, and of course Curiosity. Nippy bit my mother when she did me a favor and picked her up for the vet. The vet treated my mom to a bandaid. Delilah could do the "war dance" like you couldn't belive. And Curiosity ... Well you would find her in the plants and in the paint and well she also got stuck in the walls once. My husband had to put a hole in the wall of the house we were renting at the time to get her out. She was missing for three days. Of course we knew where she was ... though you know them little ones!

Trouble was bad. I named her that because on Christmas day at the pet store she broke out of her glass aquarium, AND broke out all of the mice, gerbals, rats, and other small animals. Too bad the pet store did not have a hidden camera. They would had of won America's funniest Video's ... Definitly America's funniest Pet's. Trouble could break out of anything though. We would put the fan, the television and everything else we could in front of our double doors in the living room, though she would get down there and push it all aside and go where she pleased. Poor little thing was Deaf though. It was rather hard not to scare her when you would come to pick her up.

Divinity was my first ferret. She would jump on my leg as if to hug it. Looking up at me. She was a sweet one. I was happy when I brought her home and my pomeranian; Fox played with her. I was worried that there were no other ferrets in the house. Though It was only two mounths latter that I went out for Slinky. That was the happiest I had ever seen her was when she saw him. Had she lost hope of seeing another fuzzy war dancer? Trouble was there before I got slinkie. She was a silver. I was going to get her than. Though decided to wait after Christmas and see if she was still there. She was. I went the day that they opend the store from Christmas break. Divinity was not completly found of Trouble at first. Slinky was her boyfriend. Who is this new girl? After I bought Bob about three mounths latter she was sure to be the three of a kind with Slinky and Trouble. I bought Pepper with Bob of course. Pepper was sick when I got her. I

did not know this that day though a couple of days latter I did. I have no idea what she had. I separated her. She was not living with me for two weeks. The pet store thought they could "replace" her with another ferret. They said they had another one there right than that I could pick up. I said they could refund my money. I don't see how you can replace an animal. Bob was the next to go. I had left him, Slinky, Trouble, and Divinity in my mother's care. I don't know what went wrong.

A little less than a year latter my husband, Chris and I got more ferrets. First it was Snowy. We got her from Florida. We went for a trip to see family there. Chris was carring her on his shoulder. She used the bathroom up there. She had to mark her way into the house! She started the chain reaction where every pet that we got after her used the bathroom on Chris. Angel (Chihuahua) did not though. She did on the driver's seat of my car ... I was driving. Snowy was a fisty little thing. Fox would try to play with her though she just was not for that. She would hiss at him and everything else.

Next we got Mythrall. He was a large ferret compared to all of the others. Though he did not use this against them as I feard. Though Mythrall would carry a bagel up the stairs to the second floor of the house. The thing was as big as he! Mythrall was a strong boy though. One time he got ahold of bleach. Drank some. It didn't phase him too much. It did go for a trip to the vets office though.

The three I mentioned in the begining were next. Nippy, Curiosity, and Delilah. After them I got Baby
ferret. We never did really name him. Though he knew his name as baby ferret. He would come running makeing little ferret noises. All nine ferrets would sleep in the huge yellow hammock together. It was a wonder they all fit!

Next was panda. He was bigger than Mythrall! He kicked everyone out fo the yellow hammock. He slept in it on his back like a real person. They all played together fine though.

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*Page created on:
1 October 2001 By: Emma C. V.