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 Happy New Year to all.
We had a great Xmas and New Year. The first in a long time that both Nat & Kane have been home for Xmas together, and this time it was with Phil, Robyn, Mitch & Andy,as well as Smidge, (cat), Mr. Bear & Shae (dogs), so it really was extra special.
We then spent New Year's Eve together as well at a great party in Ballina, what a way to bring in the year 2,000.



 Quotes for 2,000    

'The way to do is to be'


'Rather abide at the centre of your being,
for the more you leave it,
the less you learn'


'The Universe,
like a bellows,
is always emptying,
always full,
the more it yields,
the more it holds'


'He when life fulfils
is as though he remains a child.
He doesn't think about his actions.
They flow from the core of his being.'



From Tao-te Ching
Way of Life

 Di & George                       email us at: