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 Here you will find some of George's poems and short stories.

You will, of coarse, have to come back regularly to see them all.

Hope you enjoy them all as much as we do.

for Fun
    The Birthday Present    

It was Andy’s birthday
It was the 28th of June
He said “I’m gonna do it”
“And I’m gonna do it soon”

“I’m gonna do a bungy jump,
And I’m gonna get a Tat
Before I get too bloody old.
And weak and sick and fat.”

“I was gonna do the both of them
When I turned Twenty Eight
And again when I turned Twenty Nine
But then I thought I’d wait.”

“I think I’ve waited long enough
Tomorrow is the day,
Or maybe wait another week
Until I get my pay.”

“The time has come” his mates all said
“We’ve booked you in at ten
To do your promised Bungee Jump
We’ll all be there then.”

The day dawned dark and gloomy,
But Andy felt quite bright
Still he wore his brownest pants
Just in case he got a fright.

He walked down to the bus stop
Second thoughts going through his brain
But still he climbed aboard the bus
He couldn’t put it off again.

He looked up at the tower
From where he had to leap
His mates were yelling”Come on mate”
You’ve got a date to keep.”

The attendant called Andy over
“Please sit down on the mat”
“We’ll put this harness on your legs”
“Your life depends on that.” 

 While rising in the tiny cage
The attendant said “Don’t fret”
“We’ve done about ten thousand jumps”
“And haven’t lost one yet.”

The cage rose high above the crowd
And halted at the top
The attendant said “Look straight out”
And let yourself just drop.”

Andy stood upon the edge,
The fright etched on his face.
He clenched his teeth, he bent his knees,
And jumped out into space.

Now in Andy’s life he’s never had
A feeling that rejuvenated
The secret feelings of his youth,
And he accidently urinated.

The liquid didn’t run down his leg
‘Cos he was upside down.
It ran out through his shirtcollar
And he thought that he would drown.

Then the Bungee reached it’s length
His heart came to his mouth,
Because now his body was going North
And his insides were still going South.

Up and down our Andy flew
And finally came to rest.
Hanging there at the end of the rope
His heart was back in his chest.

As Andy settled on the deck
He had a funny notion,
“I’d better check when I get home”
“I think I’ve passed a motion.”

They helped him up onto his feet,
He felt quite fit and bold.
“You’re a legend” they all exclaimed
He was Eighty Four years old.