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The house is in the old city, or medina – a five minute walk from the Place Jemma El Fna, and down one of the many picturesque medina alleyways known as derbs. It is very close to several of the more significant historic sites, being in the same lane as Dar Sidi Said and not far from the Bahai Palace, the palaces of a 19th century Grand Vizier and his brother. Also not far from the house are the Saadian tombs and the El Bhadi Palace, two of the principal sights of Marrakech.

The lanes and streets around the house are full of fascinating shops and bazaars atmospheric cafes, tantalising glimpses of palm tree filled courtyards, horse drawn carriages, street markets and all the general bustle and colour of the medina. The house itself however is an oasis of tranquillity.

Other Arrangements
All domestic work, the cooking and laundry is undertaken by Zara, the friendly and pleasant housekeeper. Also provided at a modest extra cost, are the services of Hashmae who is an efficient and reliable houseman. He will meet guests at the airport, train station or other rendezvous and take them to the house and will continue, if required to act as a guide to Marrakech and, as a general factotum.

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