Jesus, here we go again
      At 11:59:55 PM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
Ok, this is going to be disconnected. But that's because I have a concussion, fell 3.5 feet in front of the statesman only to hit the back of my head on the sidewalk, and things are echoing in my head and my ears are ringing, im nauseous, and Eric won't let me drink. I'm also out of cigarettes. But Storey and Helen are driving me to post. Through my concussion.

i. I didn't write it. I have a concussion. Ive been moving to a new apartmment. I've been in either hyper-nationals mode or in mental breakdown for 2 weeks. I didn't post the damn smash. If I did, I wouldn't use bravepages - my sister uses them, and i dont like them.

ii. Max was offering $100 for the author to come forward. We're fucking poor.

iii. alright, im too dizzy to remember the rest. all i know is that this is an admitted publication of Pat Nichols, seemingly in direct response, with different jokes, different slants, and whatever.

      At 11:24:31 PM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
"Now wouldn't it be nice if all the world's problems could be solved by stupid talking?" -Jon Stewart

      At 10:58:33 PM Eric Benson went nuts and said.....  
This is brief interlude from Eric. You'll be returned to your regularly scheduled Kate upon the next post to this site. She is recovering from a mini-concussion, give the girl a break!

So the reason I want to post here is that some peope (*ahem - Storey, *ahem - Erin) think that I put up the Smash. While I really appreciate the humor and politics of this fine publication (which is dead on for the most part), I can't have done it. Here's why:

a) I don't know HTML. I don't know how to do webpages. I can only figure out how to use Blog with Kate over my shoulder. I could not put up a site that looks that nice, and if I could, I'd be making a little more money than I do now.

b) I have a full time job. It may not be a fun job. It may not be a challenging job. But it does take up 40 hours a week and by the time I get home, I do not have the energy to do ANYTHING that complicated!

c) I like to keep my humor private. Those of you who know me well know how much I love telling stories face to face. Often the same stories repeated over and over again (insert APDA rest home joke here). If I did this, my stories would lose what little new audience they had left. Has anyone not heard some of these rants??? Danielle, I know you want to hear them again ;-)

d) I graduated. I really don't care THAT much.

e) I was not at Glasgow worlds. I was unconscious for over half of Toronto worlds with a 104 degree fever and barely remember it as a consequence.

f) On cop-in-a-box. Yes, Kate and I rant about that more than most people. HOWEVER, I told at least 25 people in a giant circle about the round at Princeton alone, within 10 minutes of the round being over. Kate has posted here many times about cop-in-a-box. Anyone, could make fun of this round. (PS - huge props to Drew and Storey for having the guts to run that in an out-rounds, my GOD!)

My theory about who it is....
1) It CANNOT be Pat Nichols. My main indication (beside the obvious southern slant) is that Pat could not know about some of these stories. There is a reference to the Danielle/Rahul story from UMBC 1998. He was not at this tournament and was not even on APDA at this time. While he could have heard about this story, I find it unlikely that the story spread that far north. Same goes for the scathing criticism of Glasgow worlds. As far as I know he was not there either. Finally, hasn't he been trying to fix his hacked website? And doesn't he have finals? And isn't he working on fixing the forum? Where would he possibly have the time to do this as well???

2) It cannot be Emily Bernstein/Messner. She has a full time job at the Washington Post. She certainly does not have the time to do this. She has also been off the league for two years and some of the humor is too current to be her.

3) It cannot be Kate. I think I would have noticed. Right, Kate?

4) It cannot be Adam Unikowski. I find the Smash to be hillarious. Someone I do not know at all could not agree with my APDA political outlook and my sense of humor that well. If he did, why haven't I met him?

So who could it be? My bet is Matt McMillan. He has a southern APDA political bias. He has been at all the tournaments reference in the Smash. Old stories (i.e.: Danielle/Rahul) he would have heard as he goes south more often than not. Now I admit that I don't know if he knows HTML, but if he does... I'm not saying, I'm just saying.

Anyway, that's all. Back to your regularly scheduled Kate. But first...

Feeling unsafe on the streets? Constantly worried that the police can't protect you? Now, thanks to scientists in Boston, there is a new product to help you out: Now introducing... COP-ON-A-KEYCHAIN

Our scientists have taken the cop-in-a-box technology and have now combined it with the power of miniaturization. COP-ON-A-KEYCHAIN come with the following features:
a) All trained in Martial Arts
b) Come in sizes from 2" on up to 6"
c) Comes with or without gun or long distance taser

Order yours today!!!!!!!!

      At 8:11:43 PM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
Concussion. they suck. I have one. Ouch.

      At 11:37:25 PM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
2002 Federal Poverty Guidelines

This is atrocious. I just wanted to say.

      At 10:48:12 PM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  


      At 10:32:54 PM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
Alright, Eric won't let me write what I want to write since he's sitting over my shoulder. :) Just to know that its coming :)

      At 10:28:17 PM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
Jesus and Feminism

Just a reminder that I can still be catholic. Tho you cant tell :)

      At 6:57:24 PM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
So, Eric and I didn't move today. However, instead, I'm going to cook him carribean steak. We also went to National to drop Manoj offf. He told he I impose my ideas on other people. I'm curious if this is a widely held view.

On the way home from there, Eric and I stopped off at Arlington Cemetary, walked up and down hills, saw the Tomb of the Unknowns change the guard (watched one dsoldier screw it up), the mast of the Maine, JFK's flame, the out-of-place women's memorial, and William Howard Taft's gravestone. You can clearly see what was the highlight of the trip.

Cop-in-a-box Thought Of the Day

Put GW's elections in a box. Seal them. Let whoever survives, rule.

      At 5:37:53 PM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  

On Time...

I just want to put one rant on here. Debate is over for the year. I know this. but I want to say one thing.

A couple people, when I judged rounds, especially outrounds, with the same "put down the pen" standard that we judged in-rounds with looked at me funny. Like, "why is she still doing that silly thing that she put on us for in-rounds." Time is essential to debate. Anyone can defeat any argument with an unlimited amount of preparation and speaking time. Look at philosophy. And the history and progression of it. Debate is not about developing a correct philosophy. If you talk to Eric, its not about philosophy at all. We cannot do justice to a full set of historical principles within the time confines we put on ourselves.

What debate is about is taking the setup that we place ourselves in and proposing a change to the status quo within that time. I know that I need to work on this as much as the next person, but i think its an important thing to work towards. Use websites and stoners conversations to defend philosophies. Use the time in debate to prove nothing but your case.

      At 4:55:53 PM Kate Myers went nuts and said..... | get your war on | page one

nice max, nice.

PS-Denise, Eric and Aaron are wonderfullness!

      At 4:43:54 PM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  

Cop-in-box-Thought continues

"Now, Jim, I believe that Govenor Bush just made an attack on my character. But I'm not going to reply in kind. I'm going to put those thoughts in a tiny lockbox where those mean thoughts go."-again, SNL

      At 4:41:43 PM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  

Cop-In-a-box Thought of the Day

"The lockbox will have two keys. One will go to the president. One will be placed in a magnetic box attached to the bottom of the Senate Majority Leader's car....To say something else about the lockbox, it will also be camoflauged. It will have a leatherbound cop of the Count of Montecristo in it...You may think you know the location of the lockbox. And maybe you do know the location of the lockbox. Or maybe that's the decoy lockbox. Only the Joint Chiefs, myself and Tipper will know for sure." -Saturday Night Live

      At 3:45:28 PM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
John, I'm sad too.

      At 3:43:06 PM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
So many people make so many assumptions about me. Who I like, don't like, what my plans are - its crazy. There is one simple solution - ask me. The only person who is allowed to make assumptions about me is Eric. And that's cause I've already confirmed my answer so he can asssume it if he ever gets around to it.

      At 3:41:31 PM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
Yay, we have DSL! It finally works again! Yay!

      At 11:54:54 PM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
Drinking is so much fun when its legal....maybe this is a reason to legalize marijuana, even aside from the cogent "cycle of poverty" analysis.

      At 11:53:49 PM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
The Daily Princetonian: Thursday, April 25, 2002

"At the 2002 National Champion-ship banquet, Garin was proposed to by the second Speaker of the Year, a Yale student. She accepted." Wow Storey, updgrade or not? :)

      At 2:01:37 PM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  

Cop-in-a-box Thought of the Day (2)

Put that annoying Iron Chef woman in the box. Don't let her out.

      At 1:58:34 PM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  

Cop-in-a-box Thought of The Day

I need to put "passive aggressive man" in the box. That way, I don't have to be passive aggressive, I push the button and PAMITB comes out to do it for me.

      At 1:55:28 PM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  

Cop-in-a-box Thought of Yesterday

I think we need a kitchen-cleaner in a box. That way, when Eric tries to clean the kitchen, and fails, I can push the button to summon the KCITB and that way Emily won't be mad.

      At 1:49:41 PM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
So James has some rounds on tape. One of them is the worlds prep round demo tape set out for Sydney. Wow-worlds style blows. We define terrorism as merely actions by an illegitimately oppressed minority against a government opporessor. I'm glad you can defend Mandela. Congratufuckinglations. Try taking a more difficult stnace boys and girls.

Also, it should be made clear that Manoj and I are EXTREMELY bored.

      At 11:32:44 AM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
God, I'm a wreck. I dont really understand my emotions. And my inabilities.

      At 4:59:41 PM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
I stand by my judges at my tournament. I'm not being self-righteous, but when a judge comes and tell me his RFD for a round, and I thien independently get the same RFD from another judge in that same round who made the same decision and was not protested for it, then I need some justification for that protestation. Especially when the protested and the protester are both people that I love very much. One more than the other, yes, but enough to stand up for both of them. I think getting bitter about one judge and letting that, not the fact that he voted against you, spoil your last round ever is more of a travesty than actually losing.

This is my last word on the subject (unless I talk to some people personally) and
my last word on nationals. If you didnt want me to host it, if you didnt want my judges there, my tab staff, my everything, than someone else should have come up and hosted it. I know i did a good job, and not everyone is happy, but that hopefully with time people will look back on the bigger picture.

      At 10:48:09 AM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
Angela Forgets when she's around me....guys come storming over to her, knocking themselves down to hit on her, stop her on the street, whatever. In fact, I dont get so much a secnd glance when she's around. Not that I deserve a first glance, nor a second, but you know what i mean. Its all just a matter of perspective.

      At 10:40:13 AM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
Go to Denise's site and do good stuff

There are so many bad things in the world - that need to be fixed - I can't do them all, but I want to.

Thanks for the backup John - I preciate it. I dont know what your list it - no matter what I come up with, one person throws it off, and its a different person every time.

Currently, I'm trying to get up the mental wherewithall to do ANYthing at all. I really just dont ahve the ability.

I might just curl up and cry.

      At 9:55:34 PM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
I love Brandeis. They just make me sad sometimes when they cause trouble. That's why they need to go in the lockbox until they're nice again.

      At 9:53:23 PM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
Yay Jesse!

      At 7:47:37 PM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
"Brandeis was the only school north of New York to advance a team to the first elimination round of the tournament."

Its observations like that that make the n/s divide happen. I can be a southern partisan if people want me to be. I'm just saying.

      At 7:43:02 PM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
Wow. 250 people yesterday looked at my webpage. Except I hadn't updated it, since I was sleeping. ALL DAY.

      At 6:20:02 PM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  


Put Brandeis in a lockbox, openable only from the outside. Don't let them out.

      At 3:44:33 PM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  

Nationals Is Over!!!!

Just a couple reflections on the weekend…

Friday was great. Nice, worked well, made me really happy.
Saturday and Sunday were just a series of excitements and heartbreaks. I figured also, I just can’t handle the third day of an event. I have run (or helped run) seven tournaments and five youth rallies, plus a leadership weekend. Only LW and Nationals have had a 3rd day. LW I got mono right after, and Nationals made me collapse for 24 hours.

Other than that, several memorable things for the weekend…APDA Superlatives, ala Kate Myers
Funniest Moment of the Weekend:Energy Deregulation in Kazakstan…
Fucking Dickwad Category: Those people who complained to me, knowing that there was nothing at all I could do, plus those people who made judging complaints and made my life hell for me, plus 2 people on Saturday who needed to be scratched from me. Well, one of you scratched me too. You didn’t protest when I was in your semi.
Number One Person to Make Me Cry for Good Reasons: Storey Clayton
Number One Person to Make Me Cry for Bad Reasons: Storey Clayton
Question Stor: Did I ever tell you about my thought for Eric’s senior speech? About 3 months ago? I might have. If so, I claim full credit. :)
Happiest Person/People alive: Andrea Haney, Thane Rehn, Eddie Parrilon, Emily Garin
People who complimented my tournament: Mr and Mrs Yoni
Major props to: Amy and Julian-for running what they love, and getting my vote on the tabula rosa judge, and amazing PMR.
People who I liked who now make me cry: Jeff Williams, Ryan Hecker, Greg Wilson

All in all, the tournament was great. I did decide, after running 7 tournaments, 5 youth rallies, and a leadership weekend that I just can’t handle the 3rd day of an event. LW I got mono afterward, nats I slept all day.

Also, there are some people who need to get over themselves. I want to hear no more complaints about judging. Especially from people who say “we’re not here to convince judges, we’re here to convince people. I know you said it, cause I heard you and have your notes (im being passive aggressive, screw me ) Also, I don’t want to hear any more damn complaints about the unbiasedness of judging. All that Jessa and Greg ran off of was name, scratches, and experience in debate. A junior, by that standard, ought be judging before a sophomore. And that sophomore told fucking tab he was a dino. Fuck you. I also don’t care that one of you had broken and not the other two juniors. I’d like to ask if any of y’all would have given Chicago the chance in Quarters.

Also, I want to issue an apology to Andrea and Thane if the judging problems before their semi threw them off more than the semifinal debating itself. I fully believe that was the case. It also made me sad to see our tab observer feel like he needed to be more active than he did at Bryn Mawr, especially in terms of judging and favoritism towards judges from his school. I don’t know if that’s entirely true, but that’s just my observation.

Cinderella Story and the proof that UMBCIII was NOT busted on personal bias: Andrea Haney, thane Rehn

Finally- I’m fine with people being honest, or mean in senior speeches. Two observations though: First, to echo Amy: if you hated debate, why did you stay? Second: and this isn’t meant as a personal indemnification of the two who did it, because I support what they did: why use senior speeches as a soapbox to echo why we’re leaving APDA. Seniors ought be leaving APDA for graduation or the end of eligibility. If you want to rant, pick a different venue. That’s just my opinion for future peoples.

All in all, nationals was wonderful, and full of heartbreak. Lots of heartbreak.

I slept for a full day. Now I’m getting my life back in order (and no, Julian, I couldn’t fix the mid-east crisis in an afternoon, but mainly because I don’t know shit about other countries) and going back to class Thursday! Yay! Oh wait….

Finally, debate is great! I’m going to be doing it for the rest of my life, in both organized and non-organized fashions, so I better love it.

      At 9:49:04 AM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  

Yay Nationals! Its finally here!!

Excited and exhausted, but off to run the greatest tournament ever.

      At 9:24:19 AM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  


Courtesy of Angela...

Look here!

      At 9:18:57 AM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  

Its my Birthday, and I'll cry if I want to....

Well, cyrus and I are all good - however, many members of my school and I are not. we'll see.

I'm off to try to make my day work for me in a brief and short manner.


      At 2:20:46 PM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
Blast from the past, eh? Wow.

      At 1:27:26 PM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
Something I don't want to hear a case about allowing at nationals. Its now Status quo.

      At 1:15:41 PM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  

I am the Cheshire Cat!

You're the epitome of insane. Either you're very smart, or you're too damn stupid. The world is your playground, and everything -- and everyone -- in it is a toy for you to play with. People should be scared of you, but because you're so affable, they aren't. Tough for them.


      At 12:18:49 PM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  

Cop-In-A-Box Thought of the Day

So, we were thinking of other things to put in the box. Specifically, after seeing Princeton final round and high school debate, the Philosopher-in-a-box, or the state-department-hack-in-a-box seem appropriate - that way they're always on hand when you need them, and summonable with a pull of a string or a push of a button. "I'm so old and decaying, but the way you're using my philosophies smells worse than my decaying body!"

      At 2:34:41 AM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
Playing with HTML!

      At 1:43:01 AM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  


      At 12:25:05 AM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
Shit's falling together - or at least I hope it is. Thanks thane for the vote of confidence

      At 7:30:42 PM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
Speaking of being a salty out for me at nats.

      At 11:19:05 AM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
According to, I'm...

Oh my God, run for your life, you're pregnant. During your life, you'll have:

5 children.

Here are some stats about that kid you've got coming down the pipe:

Sex: female
Birth weight: 18 lbs. 12 oz.
Length at birth: 7 inches
Chance of mangling birth-defect: 3%
Most likely defect: club-foot

Whereas I dont understand this, i still thought it was funny.

      At 11:00:35 AM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  


      At 10:20:46 AM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
John finally told us what his list was. I can tell him that I can totally be a salty bitch. In fact, I'm sure many many people will see that streak come out. No one expects it, but Jesus Christ, its coming. I'm now going back to banging my head against a wall.

      At 8:13:00 AM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
PS - I hope hybrids was as much fun this year as it was last year. It didnt seem it - there werent as many random pairings, and it was bigger, not at college park, and wouldnt let someone smoke in final round. Also the Ivy-non-ivy football game? gag me. :) Finally, it seemed some people were taking hybrids seriously. Quite possibly cause they thought hybrid quals mattered? Hm, we'll have to see.

      At 8:05:18 AM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
Finally, this makes me sad. This is how we exploit other countries Julian - I wasn't talking economically, in terms of sweatshops. I was talking like this.

      At 8:04:00 AM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
Finally, I want to bang my head against a wall. Eric pointed out he wouldnt only let me do it if skee-ball tickets popped out of the wall. Does anyone know a wall like that? Or perhaps just a shotgun for me, so I could murder-suicide in my office of student life.

      At 8:02:52 AM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
Finally, Angela now has a blog, as doesd Dave Silverstone. I need to get blogger to give me a referral bonus - cause man, lots of people are joining.

      At 8:01:33 AM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  

Cop-in-a-box Scary Observation

Eric and I are STILL laughing over cop-in-a-box.

      At 8:00:10 AM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
Also, new Cop-In-A-Box observations... Its kind of like the

Cop-In-A-Box Thought of the day

New way to beat the case...the Schroedinger's cat bifurcated countercase. a) You don't know if the cop is actually in there (since you've closed the door) so both a) Cop-no box, countercase or b) box-no cop countercase. You can prove why BOTH are better at the same time. Or I could. I dont know if you could.

I want some novices to run cops-on-planes against me next year. Cause man, am I ready for them. Too bad I'm not ready for nationals. Or GRE.

      At 7:55:04 AM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
Well, I havent posted in a long time. It was my night off, and now its not. A few bits of commentary before I go back to a) writing a memo of understanding b) GREprepping c) nats shit....

First, this weekend we judged high school debate. Yes - high school debate (and speech, too) in a rather sketchy tournament, that out of deference to the people running the busted district, i wont put any further commentary on that part of that thing here. But, some great highlights of the weekend....

"Thomas the scooter goes uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuppppppppppppp...... Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Can you explain what you mean by the criterion of sexual gratification?"

"I support the premise of sexual gratification."

"I will give you my car."

"We're still going to teach them about sex. We're just going to remove the physical manifestations of sex."

"My value will be making the world a better place. My criterion will be censorship."

"There are certain universal truths out there that only I know."

"Did you bring any porn with you for us to look at?"

"Look at the abortion debate - You're either pro-life, or pro-choice, no real middle ground. One of the sides has to be correct, therefore there are universal truths."


      At 12:40:11 PM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  

Nats TD Night Off!

No internet for Kate until tomorrow guys - if its an emergency, call me. But yay night off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      At 11:03:47 AM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
Hi Jen chan!!! I support you as TD, not Helen.

It shouldnt have to be a "big name" or a "big school" hosting Nationals. We're certainly not a big school, or a big name, and god help me if I am. I actually thinks its better because the (no offense guys) majority of "big aPDA names" or known people on APDA don;t do shit witht heir own team. That's a problem. You need people like Jenna who want to do the work to do all the work. So I like a smith nationals and will do everything in my power to support it :) Brandeis can go do northams.

      At 10:47:15 AM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  

Happy Birthday Denise!!!!


      At 10:09:10 AM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
Theres also a really big hole outside my window. Come see it at nationals!

      At 10:08:43 AM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
Jesus Christ believes in genetic predisposition to inntelligence. I don't buy it. I might not be catholic. Therefore Jesus is a pickle.

I'm so tired. I'm taking the night off - im going to go down to virginia, move some stuff over from our old apartment, and sit and have a generally quiet night. Yay! no internet access.

I dont know why my site was down - im not linking to porn or anything,a nd i have much lower attendance rates than i did the previous several days - but oh well - should be fixed now.

      At 7:22:08 PM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
Tee hee hee...I took out jesus....

      At 6:04:07 PM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
Ok where is everyone? I'm confused - and a little sad, cause no one is here :(

      At 1:03:32 AM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
Ok, so I'm not committing suicide tonight, I promise Erin. I love Erin! I don't like making her sad - ever. I also lvoe Eric, but if he doesnt come back, I'm going to be sad - i dont know where he is, and im sure he's mad at me. And for silly (on my part) but on his side good reason.

      At 12:49:08 AM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
If what I'm thinking is true, I'm committing suicide before nationals. I mean that in all seriousness. Its 12:49am, do you know where your love is?

      At 12:00:29 AM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
"Do you wonder, as you watch my face,
If a wiser one should have had my place?
But I offer all I am,
For the Mercy of your plan.
Help me be strong.
Help me be.
Help me."

-Amy Grant, Breath of Heaven

      At 11:44:18 PM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
since he insists on communicating this way....

because its who i am, and you know it. i overreact, you overreact (i have piles upon piles of e-mails of you overreacting, notably from March of 1998) and thats how it goes. I'm emotionally unstable - does that surprise anyone? I couch it in sarcasm - does that surprise anyone? my defense mechanism is humor - does that surprise anyone? "must there be a secret me i'm forced to hide?" no, cause I refuse - I'm honest with who i am - i fly off the handle - dont like it? deal, or come talk to me in person, or at least directly, rather than blog-responding. This is the last on this subject.

      At 9:59:02 PM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  

take the death quiz.

and go to laura = great.


      At 9:08:34 PM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
Emily Garin is the greatest person ever :) She just called to cheer me up :)

      At 7:04:42 PM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
I'm in a fucking ripe mood, clearly. I'm being oversensitive, and just generally pissy. Its not going to work, clearly, but I want to know that I'm fucking pissy. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. How's fucking that?

      At 6:45:43 PM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  

I reject people who are too fucking busy to talk to me fucking metablogging about me. And taking my ideas. Especially when I'm pissy and on too little fucking sleep, ok?

      At 2:23:23 PM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
I'll fix the html later

      At 2:22:45 PM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  

Then I was this....

border="0" width="330" height="175">

I took the href=""
target="_blank">What Mythological Creature Are you? test by


      At 2:22:18 PM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
First I was this....

border="0" width="330" height="175">

I took the href=""
target="_blank">What Mythological Creature Are you? test by


      At 12:02:45 PM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
So I don't lose this. Or This.

      At 11:28:13 AM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  

Take the What Explosive am I? quiz by Little man icon! Hee hee!PhoenixSpirit001


      At 10:30:33 AM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
Helen says she doesn't understand the internal politics of the South. By that, she means GW, as none of the other internal political machines were there ;). GW is an easy political machine to figure out - they go to the bathroom in groups, they fight in packs - they're all girls! If one individual truly upsets them, or hurts one of them, they all turn on that individual. Visciously. Its actually kinda cute.

All in all, chicago was kinda fun - you know, being the one seed is fun, but hitting the 2 seed in semis for some inexplicable reason sucks.

      At 9:59:58 AM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
Boo Megagavel going to shop around.

      At 9:24:14 AM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
Oh my lord am I tired....

      At 3:05:51 AM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
Shamelessly Stolen From Amy - It was Too Good To Pass Up...
Cop In Box!

Two hypothesis:
a) the Cop In A Box is Gary Coleman
b) The box does not haev anti-graffitti devices on it, and graffitti is not as big of a problem to drive the cop from the box.

      At 2:58:51 AM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
avoiding work want to curl up and be sad but if i write that on here no one will leave me alone, so im fine but there no one to call cause its 4:00 am in Bermuda.

      At 2:42:52 AM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
Better than Storey's....

The original 64-team single-elimination fight to the finish....

Taking into account all-importantly hybrids, and regional considerations. A team stayed in its region if it had priority, if not, it moved to the next closest region. Pro-Ams was eliminated arbitrarily, due to "strength of schedule" conflicts, as its strength was artificially controlled. It was also considered taking F+M off for similar reasons, but we elected not to. In order to best accomoodate growing schools, hybrids and inanimate objects were taken into account. Now its time for bed.

      At 10:29:34 PM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
New Jersey Rest Stops!

      At 9:17:57 PM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
Katiebeth soooooo tired....and back from Chicago...and looking forward to a countertournament? I dont get it....

      At 4:36:40 PM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
I need to gain some weight back so I can have some padding on my ass - Angela.

I'm going to chicago!!!

and did i mention, that I just dont fucking care.

      At 9:36:26 AM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
MapQuest: Driving Directions to Francis M. Wood
I'm about to go teach at that high school they talk about in the book, The Corner. This is the first day of the rest of my life.

      At 11:35:51 PM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  

"Additionally, i think the Rest Stop (you know, THE rest stop. the one on the Garden State Parkway) needs to get an award for being wonderful. I am so personally attached to that rest stop." -helen

We stole the sign from that rest stop...tee hee hee. yay getaway car.

      At 11:32:19 PM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
Eire Duck's Introspection

"-Also, major thanks to Kate for a most illuminating discussion of Cop-in-a-box. Check her page for great details on the hijinks that were quarters. Though she seems to join many people in thinking that cop OUT of box is a better case. This strikes me as lunacy."

Stor, cop-out-of-box is not a good case - its a good COUNTERcase, cause you make fun of the box. Finally, is cop-in-a-box retired? Its up there with "you're mao - don't invade czecheslovakia in 1968."

      At 11:30:06 PM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
I'm glad my number of pageviews has decreased significantly - I was getting kinda worried :)

Also, yay chandeliers and banquets and dancing waiters...wait for nationals :)

      At 11:16:29 AM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  

the rest of the weekend

-after taking pictures with GB and that crazy tiger, we head out of princeton (making an unobtrusive and quick exit) to the parking lot, get in the car, ready for food and a trip home.
-we get to the parking lot circle and discover we have a flat. boo.
-We limp to the gas station, and i change the tire to put the donut on (Eric doesnt know how) and wave to the SCDS van as it drives by and doesnt see us.
-We then see that no tireplace is open, as its like 10:30, and limp to Macaroni Grill.
-Eric and I settle to have a nice quiet birthday dinner. We see Adam come out of the bathroom in the almost empty restaurant, but we just wave, elect not to say hi, and just have a private dinner.
-Until, their waiter comes over with a tall drink and says "the gentleman over at that other table said that this was for GoldenBear." Then we went over and laughed and said hello.
-Its nice getting a nice gesture from people who you aren't really friends with (read-not friends doesnt =enemies) and who you justbeat in an election. It gives me hope for the human race.
-And since Eric had to drive home, I had to drink the bellini all by my lonesome - goldenbear wasnt thirsty :)

Once home...
-Ah, easter with my parents - trying to find a tire place, finally just filling it with air and driving home.
-All good until the engine starting revving too much and the check engine light popped on - not exactly the best car from bargain buggies ever :)
-But angela made it home with us, and my body reminded me that i'm a non-breeding female, so life is all good!

      At 10:47:17 AM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  

Princeton, Continued

Alright, so now I'm going to go through and finish editing the weekend...

-apparently in my really really drunken sleep i kept rolling away from Eric and on top of brian. Weird.
-nothing like some saturday morning MG holes. I like dont know him, but its annoying to lose when the MG drops everything.
-5th round - abolish public colleges - make it impossible for me to go to school....and we won! :)
-Happy Birthday Eric!
-Alright, this deserves a section all its own....if you haven't heard about the Cop in a Box case, you need to.
Storey and Drew vs. Marcus and Specian in quarters...The resolution is something about more policing...
Drew gets up and is like, "We want cops on planes. but not just on planes - we want to put them in a box, with a radio, openable only from the inside, and with some sort of long-distance weapon, like a gun or (long distance?) taser. BU gave a spirited, by which I mean (sorry guys) not very strong opp - the best thing tho was when Marcus accidentally called it a lockbox, and it was that for the rest of the round....important opps for if you hit a cop-in-box case...
~how big is the box?
~does it have a fridge?
~does it have air conditioning?
~does it have a bathroom?
~does it get cable?
~is it bulletproof?
~does it have surveillance equipment?
~who can it communicate with?
~Does it have a seperate heating system from the rest of the plane?
~Seperate ventilation?
~How much does the box cost?
~How much does the cop cost?
~How much does the fox cost?
~How much does the pot cost?
~can he smoke in the box?
~does he get plastic silverware or the first-class (or Iceland Air) real silverware?
~can i smoke in the box?
~is the box in the front or back of the plane?
~do people know where the box is?
~what shape is the box?
~Are you still reading?
~Is social security in the lockbox?
~Is al gore in the lockbox?
~Is the lockbox labelled "lockbox - cop inside?"
~What about "this end up"?
Once we have all of those settled, we can move on to the real opps...
*Countercase - cop - no box!!!! Back it up with whatever is missing from the clarifications, and add in the "international flights are really really long for a cop in a box" opp.
*Even if you want to keep the box, how about the "hole in the side of the plane" argument - guns can do that.
There are can fill in your own...
-Worst part of that round...Eric and I were the only ones laughing!! Kevin found it amusing every now and again, as did fish, and eddie and steve cracked up -- once -- - but no one else found it amusing, sep shot us dirty looks (I'm sorry!) but we just kept laughing every time they said "lockbox."
-More through the tournament - making people cry - thumbs down, and if you're reading this, you know who you are. Decent people, no matter what they think are the circumstances, don't do that.
-wow-so i finally met some of storey's friends, and they seem to be pretty cool - i only talked to fish even briefly, but he's cool...didnt expect him to be blonde, but its prolly a james-esque job.
-Who else can we put in the lockbox? John Rawls - so he can come out and explain philosophy to Eric and Jay and also the damn "liberal society" - this lockbox, however, would be openable only from the outside - so that way, we could lock it in there until it had fucking defined itself, and we wouldnt have to listen to any more cases ambiguous about what liberal means. :)


      At 10:13:45 AM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
The GW Hatchet - An Independent Student Newspaper

Finally, GW's newspaper does put something up that is interesting - huzzah April 1!

      At 11:17:14 AM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
I found Jamie Layman's not updated often blog! and since I like him a lot, im linking to him

      At 11:00:21 AM Kate Myers went nuts and said.....  
Too bad 4 doesnt fit me - its my lucky number...
I tied, so I am both...

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Storey Clayton
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Andrea Haney, et. al.
Liz Holmes
George Kong
Harry Layman
James Layman
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Maxim Mayer-Cesiano
Emily and James Messner
Molly Myers
Erin Neill
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Aaron Schroeder
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Andrew Sepielli
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Dave Silverstone
Rahul Sinha
Smith College Debate Society
Aaron Stanley
Steph Tatham
Neil Vakharia
Danielle Wilkerson
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