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Vampire Journals

{IMG - Vampire Journals box}
The above picture was taken from Full Moon Pictures.

Click here for pictures, sounds, and music.

or here for information on the DVD.


Radu (Anders Hove) - well..he ain't in it..but could you not mention him?

Ash (Jonathan Morris II) - direct decendant of our boy Radu, and the main evil of this movie.

Zachery (David Gunn) - tortured with the curse of vampirism, he vows to rid the world of all those in the bloodline of the creature that made him this way.

Sofia (Kirsten Cerre) - Innocent pianist that is caught up in Ash's world.

Cassandra (Ilinka Goya) - willing servant of Ash.

Iris (Starr Andreeff) - Owner of the casino Ash has made his own, and the vampires' connection to daytime.

For a more complete credit listing go here.

umm..don't read any further if you haven't seen the movie and don't want it spoiled


Basically, this story starts out at Sofia's performance, at which both Zachery and Ash are in attendeance. Afterwards Ash meets Sofia outside, and gives her a rose and his business card. With Ash being on Zachery's hitlist, Zach interupts their little meeting and offers to walk Sofia home. Sofia gladly accepts since Ash frieghtened her.

The next day Sofia meets Iris. Iris appologizes for Ash's actions and tells her that Ash just wanted her to play a private concert in the casino. On her way to the performance that night, she runs into Zachery who was coming to see how she was doing. When she tells him about the performance, he pleads with her not to go, she tells him not to boss her around, and gets into the car. Zach follows them to the show, and attempts to go in and protect her, but somehow his Jedi Mind Trick does not work on Iris. He realizes his defeat and leaves willingly. Ash then turns Sofia to vampirism as she performs for the crowed of fellow vamps.

Knowing Zachery is a threat to his community, Ash invites him to the consino to make a deal. The deal is Ash will get to see Sofia one last time if he promises to leave and never come back. Zach has no choice but to agree, so Ash brings him to his sleeping quarters to prepare, and gives him a willing sacrifice in order to feed his hunger. Not wanting to give in to his temptations, Zachery pleads with the girl to run before it's too late. She refuses to, and he soon cannot control himself and proceeds to bite into her neck. As Zach is feeding Ash brings in Sofia to him. They enter without Zach knowing, and Sofia screams when she sees Zach acting like one of the vamps. Ash says he has fullfilled his end of the bargain..and takes Sofia back to her room.

Ash talks Iris into bringing Zach's body away to perish during the daytime. She goes to enter, but Zach is awoken from a nightmare right before she comes. He spare's her life when she tells him where Ash stays. He enters Ash's chamber just as Sofia is giving into Ash and making him her master. Zach sees his opportunity to take out Ash, but ash notices him in time and takes the sword meant for his head with his arm. Zach grabs Sofia and looks for a place to hide until sundown. Being too injured to fly, Ash orders Casandra to follow them. Casandra attempts to take out Zach, but ends up being taken out herself. Ash knows he us helpless, so runs away..right into an open room filled with sunlight. Zach takes one final blow at him and he falls to the ground and turns to ashes. Zach takes Sofia into a dark room and they lay down to sleep.

In closing Sofia asks what will happen to her, Zach replies "..only one thing is certain, you will never again feel the warmth of the sun.." that beautiful or what?

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