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Cast of Characters
~Submission Form~
Codes of Conduct


I must have this in order for me to add you to this site. . All fields marked with an * are optional.

Please be as specific as possible when filling this out, if you choose to create more then one character please fill out the form separately for each character. You do not have to fill in every question, just the ones that are relevant to your character. Feel free to add more information if you desire. Age limit is 4800 please (and I expect that the older the character, the more detailed the history). Certain exceptions will be made if warranted, but don't count on it. A maximum of two (2)characters per player unless authorized beforehand by me. E-Mail me if you would like to play an additional character. If you choose to play a pre-scripted character, please make sure you know enough about that character to play them.

Copy and paste the information below into your word processing program (Microsoft, Word, Notepad, etc.) and mail to The information submitted will be added to the cast page once approved.

Character's full name:


Played By (your e-mail here):

Character Type:(Immortal (non Highlander please, and only with the storyteller's approval), vampire, demon, human etc):

Knows about supernatural creatures?(If yes, how?):

Hair Color:

Eye Color:

True age:

Apparent age:






Any Travel Companions or close friends?

Distinguishing characteristics:


Knows about any of the various Orders?(If yes...How?):

Any other languages:


Any special skills?: (ie, Witchcraft, knows martial arts, preternatural abilities, etc. The Storyteller and Moderators reserve the right to limit this.):

History. (the older they are, the more detailed I expect this to be):

Any Weapons (Pictures, URL of picture, sketches, and other renderings appreciated):

Picture or URL of image of anyone that looks like your character:

Please send all submissions to I expect to see some real originality here folks! Enjoy your trek through Dark Cove!

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The Moderator's Homepage

© 2007--Penny Dreadful Creations.
Dark Cove
This page last updated December 16th, 2011
Web Page by Kent "The Flyin' Fox" Whittington
Send me email!
Homepage: Foxfeather's Aerie

URL: http/