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~The Orders~
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The Cohorts

This band of supernatural monster hunters was inadvertly formed when Jackson "JT" Thorpe of Jackson Thorpe Investigations began gathering "useful" singular individuals to his ranks. The current roster reads as follows:

  • Jackson "JT" Thorpe, private investigator and practitioner of the pagan arts.
  • Andrew Bell, resident hacker and computer geek extraordinaire.
  • Frankenstein, Andrew's larger than life AI.
  • Wilhelmina "Ham" Abraham, parapeligic metalurgist and weaponsmith.
  • Douglas Glass, former police detective, now freelance investigator for Jackson Thorpe Investigations. Oh, did I mention he's a werewolf?

As inheritor of the legacy, a power that draws the supernatural to JT, and he to it, he believes that it was more than fate that pulled this team together. The legacy also makes him head of the Royal Order of Hunters, who's only known surviving member is JT's granduncle, Lord Clive Waterhouse. JT believes that these people will be the founding force of a new order.

The Royal Order of Hunters
This once great secret organization was the bane of existence for many creatures of the supernatural realm. Founded in Britain under the auspices of the great Mearlyn himself and the leadership of King Arthur, the order was formed to act as hunters of the supernatural. Unfortunately for the hunters, and for fear of witches (of which every member was), they had to perform their duties in secret. So long as this was accomplished, they had the pardon of the king. In a way, the order was the first secret service ever created.

The order survived the witch trials under the protection of the crown in secret until the British Witch Acts of the 1970's allowed them to practice their craft openly. However, in the ever growing age of science, even the monarchy began to have trouble taking them seriously.

There demise began in the late seventies when, one by one, the hunters began disappearring or dying under strange circumstances. Lord Clive Waterhouse, the current head of the order then, spirited his grandnephew, JT, away to America after unknown assailants entered his British estate, killing everyone in sight. This seemed to put and end to the order once and for all.

Recently, however, JT has discovered that he has inherited the legacy of Mearlyn, his direct ancestor. Lord Clive bequeathed to JT the Great Tome, a massive volume of journal entries , spells and rituals from the former hunters before him. Lord Clive believes that through his grandnephew, a new order will spring up from the old. Time will tell.

The Sanguin de Christi

It is said that Christ was a healer and that his blood heals all wounds. In the hallowed halls of the vatican lies a secret organization known as the Sanguin de Christi, or "Christ's Blood". This secret order is predominently made up of vampires who have become converts to Christ. The order's elders were the first to drink of Christ's blood as he stood dying on the cross. The blood healed these bloodsuckers of their bloodlust, saving them from damnation. Since then, these elders have been on a mission, to convert the soulless back to the ways of the church.

Of these members is a vampire named Arrianna de Mornay. She has been sent by the order to Aleister Cove to investigate the rise of supernatural activity there. She has made contact with JT and often works with him on his cases as both acomplice and researcher.

She has discovered that she has feelings for this mortal, but fears that the bloodlust might be brought on by her romantic lust, forever severing her ties with the order and reverting her back to a bloodthirsty beast. She knows that JT has feelings for her as well, but she refuses, for the moment, to act on them.

The Inquisition of the Holy Rose

An offshoot of the original Spanish Inquisition, the order has one goal in life, destroy all witches! It is very apparent when one encounters an inquisitor that the witch acts of the 1970's mean little if nothing to them. Unlike the original inquisition, the Holy Rose are witch hunters, pure and simple. They care nothing for the truth and will not bargain with a suspected witch no matter how innocent that person may or may not be. There is never an arrest (as they are not a recognized body of law) or a trial to prove a witches guilt or innocence. One witch killed is simply one less witch in the world.

It was their number that broke into the Waterhouse Estate in Britain and killed the entire household, all for the sake of finding the witch that dwelled there. They thought that they were successful. Now rumor among their ranks says that the witch, Waterhouse, now lives somewhere in the United States. They have sent agents there to seek him out as of this writing.

While many of the younger members believe that they are still carrying out the Lord's will, possibly even saving those that they hunt from damnation, there are those zealots among the elders of the order who will stop at nothing to hunt down a witch for nothing more than the sheer pleasure of it. It is rumored that a few elder members are actually in league with dark, malignant forces all in the name of the eradication of every witch on the planet.

The Horde

Not as much an order really, the Horde consists mostly of vampires, demons, cultists, and other supernatural entities who wish nothing more than the dominance of the planet and every soul upon it. The only things standing in their way, the Cohorts, the Sanguin de Christi, and the remaining members of the Royal Order of Hunters.

If you thought one or two little nasties were bad, wait until you meet the Horde!

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This page last updated December 16t, 2011
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