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~Codes of Conduct~
Cast of Characters
Submission Forms

1.POUNCING! - I am the Storyteller for the list. If you have a question or request you are to send it to me ( If you have a problem, story idea, or question..., send me an email. Until I have Moderators who can help, please be patient with me and I will reciprocate in kind.

2.OT - use for Off topic posts, and please keep these to a minimum.

3.OOC - use for out of character posts.

4.OOG - use for out of game posts

5.THREAD TITLES - Do not change the title of the thread you are involved in unless you have a good reason too. Some of us like to read the archives by thread, and it makes it easier to follow along. Reasons for changing the thread title are: changing direction, breaking off from the thread, responding to yourself because no one else has....that kind of thing.

6.Tag Lines & Attn - We encourage you to place some sort of ATTN tag in the message header. This isn't required but it is a nice touch. An example of this would be:

Ring of Wood (Jackson/Andrew/Doug)

7.End Signature - please refrain from having large amounts of text in your signature lines. Links to webpages are encouraged as are actual quotes from your characters.

8.SPELL CHECK & Punctuation - Is required. We all make mistakes, but it is only common courtesy for the other people on the list.

9. PLEASE REFRAIN FROM WRITING ONE LINE POSTS. STORIES DO NOT MOVE IF YOU DO NOT TAKE THE INITIATIVE TO MOVE THEM ALONG. Do not be AFRAID of writing for other characters in short blurbs or even long posts if you know them well enough. This speeds things up a lot.

10.Day Time and Location Mark - All posts must be day and time marked. It is the only way to really keep track of the action on the list. It takes only a few moments and is very helpful. For example:

Wednesday Night - Waterhouse Estate - Jackson, Arrianna, Lord Clive


11.CAST LIST - Please see the sample above to see how the cast of the post list should work.



14. One post a week minimum is required from ALL Characters.

Lastly, the place we do ALL of our OOC posting is our yahoo club called Dark Cove Town Hall. If you can not find it, please e-mail me for an invitation.

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The Moderator's Homepage

© 2007--Penny Dreadful Creations.
Dark Cove
This page last updated December 16th, 2011
Web Page by Kent "Foxfeather, The Flyin' Fox" Whittington
Send me email!
Homepage: Foxfeather's Aerie

URL: http/