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~Cast of Characters~
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The Cohorts

Jackson (JT) Thorpe,
Private Investigator and Practioner of the Pagan Arts

Jackson (JT) Thorpe is the head of Jackson Thorpe Investigations in downtown Aleister Cove. His business card reads "Private Investigations and Practitioner of the Pagan Arts". JT, as his friends call him, is the descendent of a long line of Witches, all members of an ancient secret order of monster hunters , as well the current keeper of the orders Great Tome, a book of ancient knowledge and magick handed down from the Great Maerlyn himself. Together with his Cohorts, JT's ultimate goal is to make Aleister Cove safe for the citizen's that live there. (not available for play at this time)

Andrew Bell is the Cohort's resident hacker and computer geek. JT relies on Andrew to get into systems and access files that are virtually inaccessable to anyone. Andrew possesses a keen mind and in his spare time works to diligently upgrade his computer, an artificial intelligence formed from the spare parts of other computers and various systems. He calls his AI Frankenstein!

Expert Hacker,
Andrew Bell
The Artificial Intelligence,

Frankenstein is an artificial intelligence created by expert hacker, Andrew Bell. It is through his systems that Andrew is able to access information and circumvent security systems and protocalls. Frankenstein possesses a personality and does have a personal goal. He wants his own body so that he may move about in the world.

Wilhemina "Ham" Abraham (never call her by her first name unless you want your heart handed to you in a paper sack) is the Cohort's resident metalurgist and weaponsmith. She has the unique ability to forge weapons to anyone's specifications. As a child she was injured in a refinery explosion that killed her father and left her paralyzed. Though confined to a wheelchair, this eighteen year old girl is a fomidable opponent nonetheless. She feels that she owes JT a huge debt for helping her after her father passed away. She also has a secret crush on JT and is very jealous of his relationship with Arrianna De Mornay

Metalurgist and Weaponsmith,
Wilhemina (Ham) Abraham
Doug Glass, Private Investigator
and Werewolf-at-Large

Douglas Glass, formerly Lieutenant Douglas Glass of the Aleister Cove Constabulary (Police Dept.), left the force for two reasons. One is the need to work freelance as a private investigator and police consultant. The other reason is that once a month for the phase of the full moon Douglas becomes a werewolf. He joined the Cohorts in an effort to come to terms with his newfound lycanthropy and help out his friend JT, maybe even earn a decent paycheck.

Sanguin de Christi

Arrianna De Mornay, Vampire and Devout
of the Sanguin de Christi

Arrianna De Mornay is a devout of the secret order of the Sanguin de Christi, a vampire hunter for the Vatican. Arrianna is, in actuality, a vampire herself, allegedly cleansed by the blood of Christ. The church has sent Arrianna to Aleister Cove to monitor the town for supernatural activity, and assist the Royal Order of Hunters. Arrianna has deep feelings for JT, but fears the bloodlust that could come with such passion.! (This character played by Paige W.)

Click here for her complete history.

The Royal Order of Hunters

Lord Clive Waterhouse,
Last Leader of the
Royal Order of Hunters

Lord Clive Waterhouse is JT's Grand Uncle, and the last known survivor of the Royal Order of Hunters. He escaped England with Jackson in the dead of night when persons unkown entered the estate, killing everyone. Together, the two emigrated to America and, more specifically, the Cove. It was he who passed the Great Tome to JT. Lord Clive's ultimate goal, especially now that the wierdness around the cove seems to be coming to a head, is to restore the Hunters to their former glory. He feels that JT is the one who can do just that, but fears for his grandnephew's well being. (not available for play at this time)

Tybalt Redgrave is Lord Clive Waterhouse's manservant. It is his job (and, he feels, his duty) to assist his master as a proper English butler should. Seemingly unassuming and ever proper, one could do far worse than to have a man like Tybalt in your corner.

Tybalt Redgrave, Lord Clive
Waterhouse's Manservant

The Citizens of Aleister Cove

Christine Haskell,
the Cannibal Prophet

Christine Haskell is currently a resident of St. Joan's Hospital's psychiatric wing. Jackson and his Cohorts were responsible for putting her there after she aquired Jackson Thorpe Investigations services to find her missing husband. Turns out that Christine was a member of the now famous Cannibal Wives' Cooking Club. Christine was convicted of her husband's death, but sentenced to St. Joan's psychiatric wing due to her mental imbalance. Lately, JT has been visiting her more and more frequently as she seems to have developed the gift of prophecy.

Gary Holleran is the Chief Constable of the Aleister Cove Constabulary (the police). He and JT both attended the academy together in their early years. JT left early, but Gary stayed on the force, eventually being elected Chief. He knows about JT's "religious beliefs", as he calls them, but never turns away a hand from his old friend when the cases get a little wierd. He lives alone, a confirmed bachelor, and would have it no other way (unless the right woman came along, say maybe Connie Frank). His biggest personal concern currently is his diet, a low calorie affair designed to keep him from keeling over from a heart attack.

Chief Constable
Gary Holleran
Gwendolyn Morgan

Gwendolyn Morgan is the twin sister of Dafyyd Morgan, both of which have recently moved from Cardiff, Wales to Aleister Cove. A former farmer's daughter, now Oxford educated, Gwen holds two degrees; a master's in the field of creative writing, and a bachelor's in parapsychology.

Her master's thesis on paranormal investigation was published on her 25th birthday and became a bestseller on the non fiction lists. She followed it up with her other pet project, Vampires, are They Real? and suddenly she was an author with two books under her belt. Now she's out in the real world, as her dad always said, and she doesn't know a thing about how to live outside of college. She moved to America with Dafydd because she doesn't want to live alone and because America offers so much more opportunity than the United Kingdom for a writer.

Dafydd Morgan is the twin brother of Gwendolyn Morgan, both of which have recently moved from Cardiff, Wales to Aleister Cove. Dafydd, or Dave, as some of the locals call him, grew up on a farm with no shortage of animals or land to play on. Oxford Educated like his sister, Gwen, Dafydd chose to study history and after five years in university Dafydd graduated with a master's degree. He has recently moved himself and his sister to Alesiter Cove and opened up an antique store called Oddities and More where he uses his knowledge to acquire, appraise, and sell antiques, as well as old and rare books.

Dafydd Morgan
Connie Frank, Proprietor
of the Seaside Inn

Connie Frank took over ownership of the Seaside Inn Bed and Breakfast after the death of her husband, Ethan. Ethan died at the hands of a master vampire who completely dessicated his corpse, but JT and Gary Holleran have done their best to keep this information from both her and her daughter, Darlene. She was JT's high school sweetheart and is still a little smitten with JT, although Gary has always had eyes for her too, but was always too shy to tell her. She is a smart, savvy business woman, as well as a top notch cook!

Darlene Frank works as a receptionist for her godfather, JT at Jackson Thorpe Investigations and is the daughter of Connie Frank. Darlene likes her job, as it gives her two things; the inside track on criminal investigation and the time to use that knowledge to finish writing her detective novel series, titled The Janet Turner Mysteries, which she has ample time for, since business has been so slow. Other than the novel, she spends her day running errands for JT, checking his mail, fielding his calls, arranging appointments, and taking care of JT's cats, Yin and Yang.

Darlene Frank,
JT's Receptionist
Rick Dillard,
the Town Drunk

Rick Dillard is Aleister Cove's resident drunk. He's says that he's on the twelve step program, but keeps tripping at the top. Poor Rick never seems to have gotten a fair shot at life and was driven to drinking at an early age. JT, his high school buddy, takes him in and helps him out from time to time when the seasonal work gets light. He keeps promising JT that he'll get help, but he can never quite seem to get there. Despite this, Rick is honest to a fault, even concerning his own misdeeds. However, Rick has a story that no one but JT believes; he sees vampires, and they want him! (Played by Erik Palmer)

Josie MacNamara is the owner of the local bar and grill, also named Josie's, a family restaurant by day with a slightly seedier side by night. A tall, leggy, and slim blonde, Josie is a flirt to the Nth degree. Don't let her good ol' girl exterior fool you. Josie is smart and watchful. Nothing goes on in the place that Josie can't remember and won't put to good use, especially when it comes to helping out the one man she can't have, Jackson Thorpe.

Josie Macnamara, Owner of
Josie's Bar and Grill
Javier Nolasco,
Josie's Busboy

Javier Nolasco is Josie's bus boy. He's proud of his Hispanic heritage (la raza! Y'know?), but is always good for a laugh or a little information. Recently he has been seen with a woman going by the name of Lily.

Glenn "Cook" Pierson is the cook at Josie's. He's a mean, cantankerous old bastard any day of the week, until Noon and several cups of coffee. Then he is simply cantankerous.

Glenn (Cook) Pierson,
'nuff said!
Dr. Mel Wesley, M.E.
Dr. Mel Westley, M.E. is a recent transplant from Los Angeles. He is the current head of pathology at the city's coroner's office. A man of science who has had an occasional brush with the supernatural, Dr. Westley would prefer to disbelieve rather than believe what he cannot explain. Despite this, he will occassionly work with JT and Chief Holleran on the stranger cases.

Benny (Night Guard at the Coroner's Office) is best described as a fat slob of a man who spends his days on the couch watching the game on his television while eating a donut. If he's at work however, rather than actually doing his job, he prefers to sit in a chair at his desk watching the games on ESPN while munching on a donut (at least he's consistent). Benny is a bully, and will not hesitate to do his best to ruin someone's day if given even half the chance. Besides, he never really see's many people in the wee hours of the night unless they're already strapped to a gurney, and anyway, who's gonna mess around with a coroner's office...

Benny the Night Guard
Dr. Frederick Oates,
M.D., Phd.
Dr. Frederick Oates, M.D., Phd., is the head of St. Joan's Hospital in Aleister Cove. Dr. Oates understands that there are strange happenings going on in and around the Cove, but as a man of sciences, medicine, and the mind, prefers to think that the answers are either medical or psychological, rather than supernatural. If he can explain something away, he will. Dr. Oates cannot stand JT, or his Cohorts and thinks JT is certifiable. Sadly, he can't find a reason to have him committed, not to mention that his granduncle, Lord Clive Waterhouse sits on the board of advisors and is the hospital's largest investor.

Nancy Rice, R.N., is head nurse at St. Joan's Hospital. Unlike her boss, Dr. Oates, Nurse Nancy is beginning to believe what her mind tells her cannot possibly be true; that monsters do exist and that they are roaming about the Cove. It is Nancy who helps JT get past Dr. Oates when he comes to visit Christine Haskell or for an investigation he may be working on at the time. She's a stern, no nonsense nurse, but a good soul nonetheless.

Nancy Rice, R.N.

The above list is for characters created specifically for Dark Cove and based off of its Author,
Kent Whittington.

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Dark Cove
This page last updated December 16th, 2011
Web Page by Kent "Foxfeather, The Flyin' Fox" Whittington
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