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Fung-Ku: The Moves

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Welcome to our move list. Visit here frequently, cause more moves are thought of quite often. We started out with six, and we're up to forty. And I can assure you that many more will come soon...along, possibly, with animations demonstrating the move. Enjoy...

Move Name Description
Rice Punch
Rice-A-Roni Inverse Punch
Mortal Kombat Push
Wang Chang Gum Tackle
Godzilla Fingers To Throat
Egg Roll Roll at opponent
Chopsticks Flurry of chops
Flailing Slope Flail arms wildly, and run at opponent
Chin Jumping spin kick
Engrish Cross body block
Stir Fry Knee to stomach
Nun Chuks Left handed forearm
Chow Yun Fat Right handed forearm
Tai Mai Shu Double forearm
Super Street Fighter X Knee to stomach & chop to back
The Color yellow Snap kick to pouch
Koala Bear Open handed palm to forehead
Hippin Pouch Drive hip into opponent's pouch
Sepak Tak Raw Straight legged kick
Pointy Hats DDT
Some Sort Of Lizard Spinning elbow
Fried Sushi Elbow block and back kick
Chicken Balls Block for The Color Yellow
Crowded Country Dropkick
Typhoon Leg sweep
I Eat Cats Running fist
Racket Sports Exploding ball
Paper Houses Leaning back kick
Temple Kung-Fu Overhand chop
Atom Bomb Leg drop
Shitty Cars Elbow drop
Hiroshima Fist drop
Small Feet Double forearm drop
Dragons And Stuff Reverse Elbow Drop
Weird Language Figure four
David Suzuki Stomp to back
AJ McHallington Arm lock, knee to chode
Greasy Black Hair Tazzmission
Slanty Eyes Armbar
All Same Height Neck Saw
Origami Double Arm DDT
Paper Cranes Reverse DDT
Kimono Running Chop
Silkworms Camel Clutch
World War II Rice knockdown counter, backhand to face
Pearl Harbour Jumping Knee
Herbal Remedies Rolling arm lock attack
Soya Sauce Left handed backhand, right hand to face
Sailor Moon Lean back to dodge rice, snap kick to pouch

The Fung-Ku name and everything affiliated with it is copyrighted by Corey Lavallee and Riley Lough.
Any unauthorized use of it will result in strict punishment from the creators...forty lashings with a willow branch.
Copyright 2001.