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Brewing Beer
Sat, Mar 25 2006

Topic: Oat Beer
I looked at the oat beer and it is completely flat, with no promise of fizzing yet to come. And it's still too thick and too sweet. So I decided to chalk that one up to experience and bottle it for wine -- it should make an excellent wine -- and start another batch of oat beer.

For Oat Beer batch #2, I used:

] 1 liter water
] 200 mls (on the liter measuring jug) of sugar
] 200 mls (on the liter measuring jug) of oatmeal flakes
] handful of raisins
] generous splash of sediment (several ounces) of yeast and beer from the last batch of malt beer.

I mixed half the water with the sugar and put it in a saucepan to boil.

(You don't have to boil the sugar with the water, but it keeps it in solution better so you don't have to stir it as much to keep the sugar from settling.)

I put the oatmeal flakes into a blender and turned them to powder, then added some of the rest of the water and a handful or raisins and blended that into a puree. Mixed the sugar water with the oats and raisins water, checked to make sure it wasn't too hot, and added the yeast from a previous batch, stirred it up and covered it with an airlock of plastic sheet held securely by a thick rubber band.

Posted Charlotte O'Neil at 7:57 AM GMT
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