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Brewing Beer
Thu, Mar 23 2006

Topic: Oat Beer

It occurs to me that caramel is toasted sugar, so, instead of buying a caramel bar to add to the oat beer currently brewing, I toasted a couple tablespoons of sugar under the grill. (Btw, this stuff looks and tastes *exactly* like butterscotch, so I suspect that butterscotch is just toasted sugar. Be careful not to over-toast it if you want it for candy. For beer, the burnt/bitter taste that overcooking adds would be OK.)

I put the caramel into the bottom of a jar and added a pint of oat beer. The oat beer is still quite thick ("gummy"), flattish (it has a little fizziness) and sweet, so pouring it over the caramelized sugar is going to make it sweeter and possibly thicker.

Posted Charlotte O'Neil at 9:02 AM GMT
Updated: Thu, Mar 23 2006 9:27 AM GMT
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