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Last updated on 1/6/2001.

Bike Across
America 2000



Photo Gallery

Mug Shots


Official Trip Song


Contact Us

Total Number of Miles biked: 3,727
Total Number of Flats: 62

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Bike Across America 2000

    Recent updates: 1/6/01- Check out the Bike Across America 2000 reunion pictures in the Photo Gallery. To everyone who attended: thanks for coming! Hope you all had a great time!

     Thank you to all our supporters and people who helped us along the road. We had a fabulous time and this journey was something that we'll never forget. In the end, we have memories that will last a lifetime. Special thanks to Ken and Nancy Wright and to all those who have contributed to the Crohn's/Colitis Foundation of America: Dorothy Church, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eriksson, the Stasiowksis, Michael Morgan & family, Margaret Hoskins, Andy and Ruth Cohen, Bob Howe & family, Natalie Figueroa, Barbara Dougan, Mr. & Mrs. Carter Cooley, Maria and Joe Tetrault, Mr. & Mrs. J. Church, the Clark family, Albert and Carol Reinhardt, Grace Maltempo, Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Swanson, Ed Bloom, Larry Church & family, and Tom Church & family.

    This site is devoted to the Bike Across America 2000 trip through the Silver Lake Conference Center in Sharon, CT. The trip lasted from June 24 to August 27, 2000. There were 10 participants and 9 support staffers. The total mileage is 3,700 miles! This site was created by Kendall Church to provide family and friends (and anyone else who is interested in our awesome trip) to see how we were doing on the road.

    Please notice that on the links page there is a link to the Crohn's/Colitis Foundation of America. One of the trip participants (Kendall) is using this trip as an opportunity to raise money for Crohn's/Colitis awareness. Please click on this link to find out more and feel free to e-mail her if you wish to donate for this cause. (Please remove the "NOSPAM" from the e-mail address when composing the message. This prevents spam-bots from obliterating my inbox!   

    To navigate through the site, click on the links in the frame on the left, which include our trip itinerary, a photo gallery with pictures that were added while we were on the road, links to various bike sites, and a contact page. Enjoy your visit!