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Philanthropy to the Theta Phi's of the Beta Rho chapter is not just about community service. It is reaching out to our community and helping those less fortunate or in need.

Our purpose is to earn the respect of our fellow community and win the affection of the children. "To leave the world a bit better whether a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition: to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived." (Ralph Waldo Emerson).

Each sister has donated their own time and money to those in need. And each sister strives to achieve and surpass all expectations by organizing activities that involve the community and helping charitable organizations in any way possible.

Current philanthropies we are participating in are for the fall:

Sept 20th -- "Walk for a Cure"--

Oct 4th & 5th -- "Bike to Bay" --

Oct 11th Homecoming -- "Throw a Pie" & Ribbion sales --

Oct 16th -- Sister Night Philanthropy --

Oct 28th -- Ronald McDonald House Halloween party --

Nov 1st-21st -- Can Food Drive --

Nov 19th -- Terry Center Thanksgiving party --

More to come as planned!


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The effort or inclination to increase the well-being of humankind, as by charitable aid or donations. Love of humankind in general.

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