Application Form

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Please paste this into an email addressed here, complete and send to us.

1. Name
2. Age
3. Gender
4. Occupation
5. Do you smoke?
6. Do you have allergies? if so, what?
7. Address
8. Phone number
9. Fax number
10. Email address
11. Reason for travelling
12. How would you like to stay? guest house, homestay or farmstay?
13. Date arrival in Cowra
14. Date for departure from Cowra
15. Date and time of departure from Sydney
16. Other (plans for time in Cowra, special requests etc)

The Blue Gum Family
PO Box 203
Cowra NSW 2794
Telephone: +61-2-6341-1352
Fax: +61-2-6341-3327

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